Friday, July 14, 2023

Trusting Your Gentle Heart; A Lantern Along The Path

Good afternoon dear mermaid hearts, 

One must learn to trust by letting go of the shiny bits and baubles, silvery shimmery sparkling requests, plans of improvements, those moments of waiting to launch, and the pernickety pressures of go-go-go persevering without caution, and make one's little chipmunk nest larger and vastly grandiose than any others on Instagram, shop til' one drops, subscribe to this, sign up to that site, create a new account on that new-fangled electronic app and that beat will go on.

One might wanderlust at why I've taken to the old-timey ways of living (as much as humanly possible whilst living temporarily with my folks) whilst also turning away from the big black box, exiting screens, wearing modern clothes, closing out old cycles, no longer attempting to save others by being a people pleaser, unhealthy relations by swimming back to what I know intuitively to what I know best, which is myself a truly quieter beauty of life. 

I'm more interested in leaving a bequest (legacy) for future generations, my storybooks, my artwork, and my mindset teachings that will have blessed the planet and proceeded to a continuum. I have a gift of loveliness that my dear sweet mum assured me that I possessed all my long live days since childhood. In my autumn years, I realised that what to believe about myself was not at all true of what other folks invented of me. The truest nature of me as a young lass has always existed as a loving and gentle person. It is a bewitching hour that as we become older and more devoted towards loving ourselves, we begin to see others without rosehip glasses, and once removed, those same souls' dirt and ash have caused tarnishing. They lost their illuminating shine long ago, resembling the pretty ocean fishes, but appear more like the leathery black slick eel or piranha. 
Perhaps they do not wish disfavour, but glad tidings they do not wish either. It took me some time to abide that folks can be harsh, cold and unfeeling in this world, and though I know this for I've taken my logic pills, it remains fever-pitch disheartening. I am taking it in stride tho', for the big blue marble is far more generously charitable for being ripe and as full of a bread basket of all-encompassing love than it is not. 

I am becoming more myself as each blue cornflower sky passes me with rainbow clouds above the eternal heavens bridge; I love my dress, the way the morning dew tips my olive green 1850s prairie handmade house dress as it flows whilst I tend the kittens, cottage bunnies and garden. I am a queen and priestess in my little landlocked realm of heaven on earth. Why would I muddle it up with unpleasantries, the world's demands, olde, worn out and tired stories that folks use on rerun when the voyage I am on is surely a mermaid's charming delight? 

This little light of mine, im gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. A lantern to light the way. 

This here ole' lil' mermaid has found her voice again. 

All my upbringing of living in love has never forsaken me. Nor will it, ever.

I hope you spend a moment of solitude today listening to your inner voice without blemish and trusting your dear beautiful, gentle heart. Accept the delicateness of your inner child that has so longingly wanted to be assuringly trusted and lovingly adored; trust she will lead you aright, and she will. 

My love to you each, dear friends. Have a beautiful heart-filled day, and we shall chat tomorrow. 

Most affably yours til my next swim, Razz

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