About Us

Hello Dear friends,

I'm an American born English Author and Illustrator. I live (as closely as possible) in the portrayal of a Victorian lady. You can say I'm living all of my childhood dreams, or I've gone mad and lost the plot, maybe both (Smile). Either way, you'd like to spin it; I'm tickled conch shell pink you've arrived here on ye olde logbook (online diary). I paint and write all manners of books; children's anthropomorphic storybooks with spiritual significance (fictional with real-life experiences), British novels, spiritual and Victorian lifestyle nonfictions. As a woman living in the 19th century, I relish sharing and living in my words of love with other like-minded folks.

My husband and I reside in a little English victorian cottage that we're building ourselves. It's been a lovely little nest we've spent these past two years erecting while we provisionally rest our souls at my folk's house. It'll soon be time to get on at our forever home, but until then, we're located off the coast of Florida with a small country garden, a little farm of chickens, rabbits, and (soon to be) Florida Cracker sheep. Thank you for visiting, darling, and please swim back to these waters again, where you're always welcome. I'll put out the bunting and pour you a cuppa tea. 

My Story

I was born in (Fort Benning Army Base) Columbus, Georgia. At a few weeks old, I then moved to Europe. I have now settled to the sleepy little quaint one-horse town of Brooksville, Florida.

In March 1991, I married the first and only boy I had ever dated. I had four children and raised them as a stay at home mum. I lived an old fashioned life, from homeschooling, homesteading, and homemaking. I was also devoutly religious {raised Pentecostal Church of God, and then at age fifteen, joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Mormon, for short}.

In 2015, after 24 years of marriage to an ill-suited mate, emotionally crestfallen, weary in every way, I obtained a divorce. I decided to follow my heart and live my lifelong dreams. I rediscovered my truth and found my very own fairytale of happily ever after.

I left theology altogether. In Its place, I began living my life based on new thought spirituality. As a result, I am self-educated possess sharp intellect and a spiritual vision that is bold and unlimited.

I have manifested vast desires, one of which comprised my twin flame within two months, and we espoused July 2016. I manifested my dream career as a published author and illustrator and began selling my little bespoke originals I appointed {Mermaidlings & Little Women} art. I also wrote, illustrated, and self-published my first children's book and have many manuscripts in succession. 

My darling husband, {aka my Beloved Gardener} is a Horticulturist and Landscape Architect. He is a lifelong Bucs fan, plays the guitar, loves fishing, is engrossed with cooking and healthy living. He's quite the proper southern gentleman and equal to the Greek God, Orpheus. He is distinctively masculine and possesses enough charm to make the trees dance.

He's the kindest man I've ever known, and I'm ever so appreciative that he appreciates and supports my ideals of peculiarity. {smile} 

In June 2019, fate dealt a cruel blow; my middle son Sawyer was brutally murdered. To encourage healing and the desire to leave a legacy for my son, I founded The Carter Settlement, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation. In addition, I had a strapping heart's desire to connect with like-minded ladies, so I reimagined (Tasha Tudor's) #stillwater (a sect movement).

You can read all about Stillwater here. If you'd like to join Stillwater, a Petticoat Philosophy, please sign up for our newsletter.  

I'm most definitely" Following My Bliss!"

What's The Connection To Mermaids

"My mother took me to the beach, the way most mothers take their children to the park." ~ Raquel M. Carter

At the age of seventeen, I landed the job as a Mermaid at the world-renowned sideshow attraction park called "Weeki Wachee Springs" in Florida and continued to entertain folks for three decades. I have an underwater performance record of over 16,000 hours. Yet, presently, I more so consider myself a bygone Mermaid. 
My love for writing inspired this blogs conception in the year 2006. However, due to various unfortunate events, in 2017, I lost eleven years of my blog. Quite devastated but unwavering, I began anew. This blog is a demonstration of that tenacity.

I have degrees in Interior Design, Design Psychology, and Historic Preservation. In addition, I have certifications in Aromatherapy and Organization. I am certified in CPR, Lifeguard, and Scuba {PADI}.

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