My Shiny New Blog Design Plans, Ye Olde YouTube News, Beatrix Potter and Me, A New Little Book; The Tale of Sybrena Ewe And Louis Vuitton Agendas
My oh my dear mermaid hearts,
If you've been on ye olde blog as of late, you've seen the mischievous makings of my attempts to hire a website designer to add Adsense to my blog. It failed miserably (no offence to the dear lass who did the work as she did what she promised); however, I am hopeful and have plans to create a whole new blog. However, I will continue to put posts on this template, and all of my other posts are still here, just as before. I plan to hire someone to do the coding, but I'll do the rest, such as the design using my old-timey paintings to make the blog look like an old-fashioned Victorian newspaper with mermaids galore. I purchased some fonts that are stunning that I'll use as well. Below is my inspiration for what I am striving for, obviously, with my sketches, designs, header, and drop-downs. I will paint and create the entirety of it from the ground up because if there's something I learned many years ago, do most things yourself; that way, you know you'll have it the way you like it. I love my old template, but there was a problem with that template as my reading audience grew. I didn't have a drop-down with the different pages, which was a constant issue. This lack of option posed a matter when folks would search on ye olde blog for a post and could never go directly and find my Amazon book links or items for shopping in my little store. Remember, there's nothing that a determined woman can't execute. I do believe it is perfectly fine to ask for help, but try to do most things for yourself; it makes for an independent and strong woman. Of course, take this with a pinch of salt my dears when I am speaking of arduous tasks that a broad-shouldered, handsome man can do much better always allow them to show their strength. If I never prune a Bougenvilla, dig a hole for a large oak tree or cut tile, I will forever be a well-chuffed lass. I have nothing to prove, so let's not get it twisted, my fruit, I'm not drinking seawater.
My plate is full and tight as dicks hat band, and I am trying to keep it all in hand; however, if I am being transparent here, I'm not happy bag ragdoll Annie all of the time.
I'm sketching every time I have a moment. I have finally settled into beginning the Louis Vuitton Agenda planner kits. They will be PDF printables with my cheery planner pages. They will be comparable to the A4, and larger agenda (Louis Vuitton) size but mainly, you will be able to adjust a hole punch (i use this one for my Louis Vuitton agenda) to make it fit your agenda, planner or Franklin Covey. I do understand not everyone has gone off and are mad (like me) who spends 680-1200 dollars on a Louis Vuitton Agenda. My LV collection is, for me, considered a worthwhile investment, so I have no qualms about spending that kind of money. A woman's planner, calendar, handbag, wallet, makeup pouch, etc., is something a woman always has to have. To spend a fraction every few years on a no-name bag or less expensive brand is purely a waste to me. My darlings that's my opinion, on the matter. To invest in quality items is very English, and my folks taught my siblings and me to always choose quality over quantity every time.
It has been frigid in the cottage lately, so I've pulled out my trusty Victorian English water bottle. I collected mine from a sweet little Etsy shoppe from England.
I thought I would write a little about The Tale of Sawyer Lamb, and why it took me over three years to self-publish it, although I wrote the book in less than four hours and quite literally shortly after Sawyer passed. The illustrations came later.
I would venture to guess what Beatrix Potter felt when writing her books before she had her very own home at Hilltop. I had to use different locations and homes from my actual childhood and from my imagination because I am not in my forever home as of yet. I have the vision for it, and that is where it lies until the actuality of the demonstrated measure of manifestation.
I wrote the book (The Tale of Sawyer Lamb); upon the onset of when Sawyer passed. I knew in my soul (and those videos remain on my YouTube from back then) that I had to find a way for his death not to be in vain. For whatever reason, I recorded myself in a YouTube video quite shortly after I received the call. I also wanted to write a little children's book so that it may help others teach their children about death and write it in a lovely way which doesn't entail violence. I think there is a bit of apprehension in folks before buying the storybook, and I discovered this when I was a vendor of Heritage Days back in December when I sold my books, oils, paintings, etc. I say this because when I made mention of the book, the folks demonstrated physical uneasiness. I assured them oh no, it's a lovely book about my son's passing, and it's not a ferocious tale, but in fact, it's rather charming. If you have ever read Beatrix Potter's books, most specifically The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, think of when the dogs came to the rescue of Jemima and took care of the whiskered-tailed gentleman.
When something so profoundly horrific happens to a person (as I'm sure you've seen and heard many times), the parent or survivors want to make a difference. It is our way of helping to facilitate our healing. It gives us purpose and a way to create a difference in the world. I want the world to remember my boy Sawyer. I have devoted my remaining years to helping mothers, women and children. It makes me so happy and tickled beyond measure to create a life of fairytale magic, writing books and painting. I am also fulfilling my little girl's dreams.
As of late, as you know, I am getting sheep, and I spent last year on Sawyer's book all about sheep, so the next manuscript that I have been writing is called "The Tale of Sybrena Ewe" and is strongly calling my name, and so I write. It's been in my queue for a while now, but as of late, it's taking precedence in my mind. I know when this happens, it is the great creator intuitively guiding me. I don't always understand the reason, but I heed the call. I spoke with Bette from Stone Arches Bed and Breakfast to give her the lovely news that I am using her little cottage as Lucinda's home in the book. The cottage's name is Fernwood Thistletop. Isn't that name sweet and utterly charming?
Most Affably, yours til my next swim, Razzy