Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Starting From The Shoreline Again {When You Are Starting Your Life Over}

Hello there Mermaid Junkies,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share with you a few TTT {Treasure Trove Tips} that may be of some value to you.

As you guys know, if you're an avid fan of my youtube channel, You know that after my divorce I literally walked away with not one red cent. Not alimony, no money of any sort. The only thing I had was my car that's been paid for over a decade that was in my name {which I got 4 months down the road when the divorce was final}, and the two suitcases full of the things I could take with the weight restrictions onto the airplane. So when I say I literally am starting from scratch, that means literally from scratch.

I will say that because I was living the Law of Attraction, I was very resourceful and I had been a frugal woman all of my life. So I was able to manifest things rather quickly, and that even meant manifesting the money for my airline ticket, and money to pay for my own phone and new cell phone account that I wanted to be put in my own name. Things like that, if you may be specifically wondering.

I am sharing all of this with you; the nitty-gritty details. Because if there's one thing that has always annoyed me is that women talk about their journeys of pulling themselves from the ash, and so often they never tell you about the details. Like, "oh, so you started from scratch, but you still to this day have alimony from an ex every month. Or you got a payout from the ex, or you got the house in the divorce that was completely paid for." That to me, no offense, is not as much of a struggle. Does that make sense? I am not trying to make light of anyone's struggles, but I am just keeping the line of transparency open here on my blog. You guys know I'm one to tell it like I see it. I also want to clarify that I am a woman that is supportive of other women, but I am a woman that expects pure honesty and authenticity. If women aren't super transparent it gives other women that sense of insecurity of feeling like, "Oh man, I cant do what she did. What's wrong with me?" That's all I'm saying. I have been disillusioned by several women in this manner, and I will not do that to you, my readers.

Okay. Okay.

Now back to this post. I wanted to share with you if you happen to be truly working from the shoreline to recreate a life for yourself, I wanted to give you a few tips on how to keep and maintain a few little luxuries while you are starting over.

Because you guys, let's be honest. When we're truly beginning again there are things like wearing makeup, or actually the basics of what to wash your face with, hair color maintenance, buying the normal things like a nice smelling candle to keep you happy to some degree, still dressing cute, or what if you don't have health insurance or dental insurance. What the crap are you supposed to do? I'll tell you. I am going to share with you what I did, in hopes that it might help to serve you if you are in that place right now. In future posts, I'll break down exactly what you can do if you are lucky enough to have your children with you, and are starting over. For instance, housing and support financially from the government {if you live in the USA}.

I know this is not what many want to address or talk about. We often times want to see the pretty flowery stuff in life. I am very much this way on a daily basis, but guys, we all have shit that hits the fan in life. I want to be that voice of inspiration when it does happen, and still inspire women for the pretty stuff as well, once we get back into the flow of joy.

Okay, so my housing was the blessings of having parents that were open and kind enough to let me stay with them. They also provided me with food. So yes, that's two huge things that I instantly had that I am so very appreciative of. I didn't have a bedroom to stay in so I slept on my parent's couch. I was going through a difficult time with not having my children with me. I had no sadness about my divorce, as I am the one that paid for it, wanted it and was super happy about that aspect. The ex wouldn't allow me to take my children, which would have been the two youngest {Zoë Kennedy and Brooker}. I let my children decide what they wanted to do since they were old enough and they wanted to graduate from the school they were enrolled at. They had moved so much, I understood completely why they wouldn't want to move again for the twenty-third time. I was not going to do that to my children. Too often women become vindictive and use their children as collateral to hurt the ex-husband. That my friends will bite you in the ass. Do not use your children to get back at someone, ever.

Now onto the things I was experiencing once I was settled with my parents. Only having the little money that I was able to earn through cleaning a relatives house, a painting job, and some organizing, I used to buy necessities. I did not go on clothes shopping sprees or out to dinner or leisure stuff. The pure basic necessities. My extended family was super generous in that way. I always worked for the money though. I didn't lay on my parent's couch expecting a handout because I was a soon to be a divorcee.

💦So when It was time to color my hair and cut my hair. I cut it myself. I had learned some tricks from my sister in law and I knew that if I needed to I could simply use some scissors from Sally's beauty supply and cut a basic line. No layers, just cutting the dead ends off. For the hair coloring, I went to the nearest Sally's Beauty Supply and bought the color that matched the best. I watched a youtube video on how to color my hair myself. Scissors were $9.59 {with beauty club card} at Sally's Beauty Supply, hair color Clairol $6.29 {with beauty club card}, tint brush 1.99 {with beauty club card}and hair mixing bowl $2.29 {with beauty club card}, developer $3.69 {with beauty club card}. The developer will last almost a year for the 16 0z.

💦My makeup consisted of drugstore makeup and actually still does to this day. I use Covergirl powder,  Cover Girl Neutralizer as a concealer, and lip pencil in "Mocha or "Real Red", Loreal mascara Brown/Black, Burts Bees lip shimmer in caramel. I also use the Burts Bees lip shimmer in cherry when I want a red lip.

💦Instead of using all the expensive facial washes I use ivory bar soap and Neutrogena fragrance-free lotion as a moisturizer. If I ever get a pimple, which rarely, if ever happens I use Melaleuca dōTerra essential oil. My dōTerra oils are going to be a whole other post, as I have a lot to share with you about them and it's going to call for a whole lot of information. Essential oils are my health care plan.😂

💦I use the Dollar Tree candles in fresh linen below even to this day. If you are like me, you love your surroundings to smell nice. I am a big fan of candles and have been since a girl. I have tried hundreds. I used to be obsessed with the gardenia candles from Martha Stewarts line at Kmart. That tells you how long I've been burning and experimenting with candles. My mom taught me all about candles and I used to sell candles for Salt City Candles and Partylite. I know. I am showing my age. Hehh...

I think those are the tips I'll share for today, even though I have a ton more. I'll be sure to keep creating posts for TTT {Treasure Trove Tips Tuesday}.

I hope this served you and be mindful that no matter where you are in your transformational tale, I am right here with you. Everything is gonna be alright I promise.

Yours til my next swim, Raquel


  1. Slightly off topic, but this morning I was looking for a patio/garden bell on eBay. There was a mermaid one, and I thought of you. 😊

  2. Awww... thank you so much. I actually enjoy the engagement from my readers no matter what the subject is. I’ve actually stalked your blog and I can tell you’ve put such hard work into it. Well done. Did you ever find your garden bell?


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