Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Blogger Technical Issues

My dear friends, 

I am currently trying to unfold the reason the font on my latest blog post keeps reverting back to the smallest font. It's disturbing me much. 

Thank you for your devoted patience. I surely think this solidifies I am ready to convert the website completely over to WordPress very soon. 


  1. You are the second one in the past week to mention this issue. It might be a "blogger" thing.

    1. Hey cutie,
      I wonder if it is. I have no clue. I had to swim away and come back to deal with it. I think I figured it out, but I am really going to wordpress within the week. I have had enough. eeekkkk....

  2. I have the same problem, Raquel.
    Some can see the larger font on my blog, but I cannot. It’s weird. If you find a solution, please update us.

    1. Nil, I think if you go to this link it will help you. Muawhhh... let me know how it works.


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