Monday, August 5, 2019

A Mermaids Meditation Practice {The Abraham Hicks Way}

Updated: August 5th 2019

The new website is forthcoming!

My dear friends, 

As many of you know, I began practising the Law of Attraction {Abraham Hicks} in 2014, and that is precisely when I started my daily practice of meditating.

If you are anything like me, when you first hear of meditating, it may sound like some mad woohoo new age stuff. I can understand you completely. Might you recall, I have taken baby steps in my spiritual journey. I come from a long history of deeply religious background. I was never quite familiar with meditation the way that Abraham Hick's teaches. I've gone to Abraham Hick's Workshops, and they are quite lovely. If you would ever like to know what it feels like to understand the feeling of speaking face to face with God/Source/Universe, that's pretty much what it is. It's the best feeling you could ever experience.

When you habitually practise meditation, that's the same feeling you'll get, right in the comforts of your own home. You will feel and recognise the mastery of direct connection with Source/God/Universe.

I wanted to share my Meditation practice with you, in case you'd like to take on the challenge or begin incorporating the practice of Meditation into your own life.

Today I'm super excited to explain the scales/steps of meditation to you. For those of you that would rather watch my video, here's that on my YouTube channel video link.

So let's begin.

What is Meditation

Meditation takes us back to the core vibration that is unchallenged by the beliefs keeping us from what we want.

There are many forms of meditation out in the Universe. Some gurus say you should meditate for a long time, or no longer than a few minutes. I'm going to use this post to break down meditation incrementally through the practices of Abraham Hicks Teachings.

I practice what I firmly believe to be the most accurate, and that to me is the way Esther Hicks speaks of while channelling Abraham. I have been meditating the way Abraham Hicks recommends for almost six years, and in my opinion, it's the perfect formula.

One of the main articles that I hear women say when considering meditation is that they find it tough to sit still and be quiet. They get antsy, fidgety, or restless. Basically, they can't shut down their mind.

This is very accurate in the beginning. Even the pure intention to meditate and sit still has resistance.

We want to quiet our conscious minds enough so that the non~physical mind is purely focused on all that we've become and the wholeness of who we are. If we can find a way to tune into it. The vibrations will begin to turn into thoughts, and when those thoughts come, you will feel and understand, the pleasure and satisfaction of feeling.

Not to be distracted by reality, but to experience the whole of our vibrational reality.

What's in our VORTEX will come through our non~contradicted minds.

Our minds have been trained to be responsive to our conditions around us, that's why initially it may be difficult to meditate.

We must focus on quieter.

♡ Wear comfortable clothing. Light a candle.

♡ Quiet your surroundings.

♡ Use an App with the sound of waves or a water drop from a faucet.

♡ Gather your notebook for your writing Art Of Appreciation {Etsy Shop} after meditation ends.

♡ Apply dōTerra essential oils on your reflexology points{Behind your neckline, thumbs, and earlobes} I use Balance, Frankincense, Intune, Geranium, and Lavender. I have some beautifully blended meditation notes in rollerballs that you can purchase in my Etsy shop to enhance your meditation experience.

♡ Gather your crystals. I decide on what crystals I'm feeling drawn to on that day. Therefore the crystal selections vary for me.

♡ Set a timer for 16 minutes. You never need to meditate longer than 16 minutes. Actually, Abraham recommends that you don't stretch it further than that.

♡ After you start your timer, begin listening to the sound coming from your app. Really focus on the sound. Take 3 breaths in and five breaths out {Count, and it will help you to concentrate}. Continue doing this, and you'll begin to feel yourself transition into a meditative state. Your head may even start to move in a circular motion. You're in pure alignment!

♡ If you start to think thoughts other than the sound of the waves or the music of the dripping faucet, which you will just keep bringing yourself back to the sound. Each time your thoughts wander, keep the focus by bringing yourself back each and every time.

♡ After your timer ends, what source will do, is lead you to the first impressions from pure alignment.

♡ Don't be surprised of what Source will guide you towards, even if it seems peculiar. Abraham speaks candidly in many of her videos about after her meditation practises. On one occasion, she was led to move furniture around in her California home. If you want to listen to Abraham Hick's Youtube video here, this one is of her speaking of that particular meditation.

I genuinely hope this served you, and that you can feel enthusiastic and happy about meditation.

I just know that if you try it, you will LOVE the practice.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


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