Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tasha Tudor: How To Embody The New Version Of You

I wrote a post long ago, about how to dress like Tasha Tudor, if you're interested in reading that post, you can find it here.

I wished to write this post about self-image and creating the new version by speaking more deeply on the psychological self-development aspect. I had often wondered why some folks deeply implant lifestyles with richness such as Tasha Tudor and myself whilst others find the feeling of the manner on rare cracking occasions, such as an Instagram post or picture opportunity. I dug myself into the position of finding out why. 

I intend that this post exhibits a tremendous amount of talking and teaching points.

In the current year of my moving to our forever home, I have quite literally received one-hundred-plus of inquiries about my dress and life of old fashioned nature. I thought today as good a time as any to begin a jolly conversation about self-image and the" becoming" of a woman. I'm quite sure it will open a dialogue between us as women and friends of course at what seems to be a highly favoured subject but also one that brings on a particular undertaking of a courageous act.

I settled into this post with equal measures of both Tasha's artistry and her fashion. I think for many artists, the two are of equal measure. 

I've observed various aspects when it pertains to changing one's portrayal. We're continually creating a vibrational accord for ourselves. Throughout this year while being in my new forever home, I took on the life of the person/version I desired to be, however until thirty days ago I captured upon an epiphany, and it's been another one of those moments where my life pivoted in a trice. My most extensive realisation was that even although I have extraordinary success at manifesting, there was a tiny remaining portion of myself that was required by other folks an approval. It was the residual of my small lingering old self-image, and when I felt I needed to prove myself as a way of feeling worthy, it set me off erroneously. Whereas those feelings are no longer with me, I'm delighted to have felt the resistance whilst they were present. Contrast has a way of feathering out for us the things we know we don't want so that we can learn more clearly what we do want.


I thought that diving deep into the actual mindset of someone like Tasha Tudor along with myself would be an excellent way of pulling back the veil of why some folks embody a lifestyle entirely. And whereas I could go beyond the severe as I oftentimes have a way of stringing out a moment in writing, today I have chosen not to bore you to the olympic degree. Also, it would be a bit lethal, and I'll not do that as that would not be most beneficial in my leading you on to your next vehicle.

All of that said, I've narrowed it down quite simply; it's feeling a lack in self-confidence, security and worth.

Often the words that ring out from those "inquiries" of women sharing their long hearted desires are their feeling lack in possessing the confidence to pull it off (which seems commonplace). I have the wherewithal to benefit change in that way straight on. 

So in my cracking form, I thought I'd share with you a story from my own life; it's so lovely that it bears repeating each time the opportunity arises. If I've written this before (because I believe I have) might you bear with me as blog newcomers haven't heard of it? 

My family and I had just moved to Orlando, and that meant a new ward. When I was heavily into theology and attending weekly (Mormon) church, we went to what was called a sacrament meeting, for my Pentecost friends, it's called the weekly sermon. I have always worn hats, and the church was no exception. On our first day of attendance, I wore a hat, of course. We sat behind a lovely family. One particular observance that prevailed was the way they held themselves outwardly. I knew straight away they were well-to-do. You can always tell, or I can, nonetheless. There's something in the way they carry themselves. There's also something I too observed externally. I'll be onto that in a moment. 

The lady inconspicuously turned back to observe me. I felt her eyes upon me, but I smiled and nodded. Weeks went on, and she always smiled, but we never spoke until one particular fine day. She gently asked if she could pull me to the side for a moment as she had something to whisper," I am so impressed with your wearing of a hat each week to church. What a lovely style you have. Do you know that I have been attending this ward/church for over four decades, too have a gorgeous collection of fancy hats at home, but have never dare worn one to church? I have not the courage. I believe others will gape at me, and I can't bear to witness it." 

I quite frankly was both flattered and taken back. This beautiful lady, obviously a well-to-do, was complimenting me on courage and style. Now, this may strongly appear as if I'm a very confident woman, and now looking back, I can honestly say I've always been a bellwether. I never looked at it that way, mostly until I was collecting data for this post. I will conclude this story by stating that I made a suggestion. She should set the date, ask her few close friends to also wear hats the following week and make a go of it. That way, it would give her a launchpad for her newfound pursuit of hat-wearing. Also relieving the pressure of onlookers; suring up her self-confidence and not appearing spectacle-like. I'm delighted to report back that we all wore hats the next week. Thereafter this lady and I continued wearing hats, but the other ladies said they were too uneasy about going on with it. Regardless, it gave my" new friend" the courage; she lacked prior. We came to be dear friends and remain to this day. 

The moral of this post is that even although someone' appears' from the external perspective a courageous person with all the bells and whistles of confidence quite often, the assumption is never accurate. 

Now let me carry on with the directory of how to become a new version of the woman one wishes to be. We should all be the woman we genuinely desire to be, and we must not allow anyone to alter our dream. Furthermore, I declare we mustn't cave to the urge of feeling we have to break free from our world to commit to such an act. There's nothing simpler than avoiding those you don't like; avoiding one's friends is the real test. I mention this because that's the first thing I wanted to do; run away from my real, life, but that's only clarifying that we have shame at attempting to face our truth and one shouldn't run foot. We must be bold, unapologetic, but also self-soothing and kind to ourselves. 

This entry is also another feather in my cap of knowing that our inner being knows what we desire, and the Universe/God will always give the right to what we hold close to our chest. I want to inspire women as I love writing this little blog and sharing my life with you, my dear friends. Truly. Nearly nothing in all the world rings my bells like that of writing. If one reading this has the desire to live life the Tasha Tudor way, let us begin with a tactical antidote. 

I'm not speaking in a manner that you must cry out from the attic that you are now becoming the new version of yourself. The need to announce to everyone that you'll be dressing and living in a manner similar to that of Tasha Tudor is not necessary. Nor should one be so feeble either. It takes inner worthiness, and we know what they say about that. Inner worthiness is quiet and unassuming, whereas insecurity rains buckets. Let that be your work if you think there may be some bits you must come off, that's quite fine. Be gentle with yourself. Although; begin today. You mustn't put off today what you believe will be there tomorrow. Go about planning and incorporating the aspects you desire inch by inch. Might you remember The Tortoise and the Hare? 

Once I made up my mind, I collected a piece of paper and went about writing which I was to be and began embodying 'that' woman. The woman I saw as myself was somebody that dressed in a combination of Laura Ingalls Wilder with a mixture of Tasha Tudor. I spoke accurate British English, lived on a small country farm with sheep, chickens, bees, corgi dogs, and have a small beautiful English countryside garden. My cottage is small, quaint, has a drystone wall, with a thatched roof and tiny outside rooms where I would hold home management/self-development classes and a concrete pond to teach merrymaid swim classes. I wrote and painted, such as Beatrix Potter but also my books held the element of personal development growth from my life experiences. (I'm even creating Beatrix's Hilltop bedroom here at Carter's Cottage). To become the Raquel I created in my imagination; I had to begin embodiment. Thoughts and questions that bubbled up were: How would Raquel the New York times best-selling author research, write a blog post, or book? How would 'that' Raquel drink tea, or dress, feed her animals, water her garden, speak to friends, spend money, invest money, share ideas? The universe doesn't hear what we say; the universe only hears what we mean. To become the new version of yourself, you must MEAN it, and BE her with no room for wobbly bits. 

I wanted to share a few life experiences with you about one's self-image. I know I have learned quite a bit more in this last year of dressing and embodying an old fashioned lifestyle, along with understanding how deeply a woman's self-image is in congruence to how she desires to live her life.

I have written many posts on old fashioned living, and my heroes; Beatrix Potter, Tasha Tudor and Laura Ingalls Wilder. I hope you'll swim around here and find more of my delightful entries.

I love writing about what moves me creatively through personal development. I have created a world of wonder and a dreamlike state, but in fact, my dream life is now my physical reality. I cling to moments of simpler, slower and quieter times, and I relish in my lifestyle. To become want we dream about does not have to be a pipe dream, it can be our reality if we have the wherewithal to desire it, we can have it.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. Good to hear from you again, and your pumpkin photo is simply gorgeous :). And I had to pop right to one of my journals to copy down your well-turned phrase, "Inner worthiness is quiet and unassuming, whereas insecurity rains buckets. Let that be your work if you think there may be some bits you must come off, that's quite fine."

    1. Kimberly! I've missed seeing your comments so much! Thank you for visiting me... What a joy to see your little face. Sending love dear friend...


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