Thursday, December 9, 2021

I Made Zoë Kennedy Her First Velvet Tree Skirt (The Creation Of A Happy Home)

"We are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime."- Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Zoë Kennedy and I are doing so well in our relationship. It's been quite a road with many forks, tears, and blood on the stairs. But it's Christmas time, and I won't weaken this lovely story with my tales of woe. I'm saving that for my nonfiction book that will be out next year. Stay tuned. 

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat." -Laura Ingalls Wilder.

When Zoë Kennedy came to visit in August, she planned to move into her own home with E once they returned. However, since moving out at 18, she has always lived with roommates.

Can you imagine all the happiness she has now that she is in her very own place where she's the lady of the house? I remember my first place, and it was thrilling to think of how I planned to decorate and make it home.

A few days ago, I received a text message with ZK asking for a big sewing favour and a question about her childhood ornaments.

I asked if she had put up her tree, and she shot me several photos of her (3 trees). Yes, like mother like daughter. I even said that, and she retorted with "absolutely!" I am notorious for a tree in every room of the house. I fancy going to the extremes with holiday decorations, that is, if I love the holiday. Halloween and Christmas are where I like to shine, but other than that, a little chunk of calendar scenery and that usually suffices. I counted once I had eleven. I'm not one to do things by halves, and you know this about me. I have simmered down immensely, as I've been dwelling in the Victorian era. Although I'm not a posh sort of lady, as of late, I keep things pretty and straightforward without spoiling.

"Home is the nicest word there is." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Zoë Kennedy asked if I would make her a velvet skirt for her tree, and of course, I said it'd be my pleasure. I love feeling those warm feelings of motherhood and my children desiring my participation in their lives. You know, friend, it's been year's since that notion was even a consideration. Let me tell you, as a mum, it feels rather remarkable—a Christmas miracle for me, really. I'm getting a bit dewy-eyed.

So I spent a bit of time disembowelling the storage from the smithy to find the few ornaments I had for her and pulled out my red velvet remnants of velvet. I managed to piece together several strips, and I think it's perfect. I hope she likes it and that she'll keep it for year's to come, and I'm hoping it'll become a lovely little family tradition for her as she builds her very own little family. It was a gift to make it for her and E, and it was just the added lift this middle-aged mum needed to feel closer to my cherubs this year at Christmas.

You see, we can always shine a light on the lovely little things if we only take a moment to find the silver lining.

You couldn't have given me a million dollars to replace that moment of my daughter remembering her childhood and then reaching out to me.

"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

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