Tuesday, May 3, 2022

How Romanticising One's Life On Social Media Are Signs Of Insecurity; A Rather Tailspin Of Despair For Religious Women

"To believe in something is marvellous, but it cannot be known until it is experienced."—Neville Goddard

[I will not be dismantled for this post. Neither will It be a new sensation for me to ruffle feathers. I shall talk to the four walls if needs be until we as women demonstrate a lovely exchange of how we will newly see one another in this beautiful blue marble. I have changed, so perhaps I am surmising, and it is well I am not a creature of fragile nerve.]

Now that I have reached the archaic age of a half-century, I am at the arrival to think it is now or never. As an individual, you're either a bold presence or keep beholden at the breastplate one's true feelings for protection in the attempt that fear gets the better of you. I, for one, do not appreciate a person who endeavours to teach from a motive of dictatorship or the ever ending desperate stance to constantly keep the struggle on the other side of optimism for folks of Christianity. That display is a dreadful business. Having stated that, I know exactly why this exists and has since the beginning of theology. This mindset is an archaic chronicle and steered by the need to feel a part of a social group by women, mainly those professing their service to Christ. It is often crafted as one of great difficulty. No, It is not of great difficulty to be who we indeed are, and if there is a deep struggle internally, it's most certainly the struggle against self and one's true desires. However, most will box their trueness of themselves, claiming a more significant work is at hand.

No, my darlings. The resistance is from not living one's truth. When I decided to ignore what everyone else told me since I was a wee sprout of a child, or when I desired a divorce and chose to live my dream life, I no longer exhibited depression, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, anorexia, and many other matters. I was nothing but sad and sadder as the years accrued. In spite of all that, I was always admonished that I would be damned for the eternities, burned, lost, sent to outer darkness or hell if I sought outside sources. When I went to the doctor or bishop, I was constantly told I required therapy and medication; when I said I wanted to stop serving in callings, I was told I was wrong and immoral and would be disfellowshipped. This kind of teaching is psychological misuse and why so many exits themselves and/or suffer mentally for lifetimes. Oftentimes, many do not take a passport (commit suicide) because they are terrified they will arrive in hell to dwell endlessly. (Yay, those are several delightful options; surely you jest.) I am absolutely one of sarcastic wit; although it is not dignified of me, this post is substantial. These ways are not god's ways; they are mans, and man has it all backwards. I want women to feel everlasting joy.

The way this occurs is to begin talking and sharing and reading posts such as this. The opinion that we all struggle and allow us to argue for our limitations of self-doubt because serving god requires excellent strength is barbaric. Yes, if one agrees to that mental turn of phrase as we are raised as little girls to lean more in on fear-based tactics and to keep the focus on difficulties, complications, and the endless strive to attain, which Christian theologians primarily rarely, if ever teach correctly. According to theology, we are all souls broken to bits and will never be perfect—Bullocks. We are, always will be forever and ever perfect. There is not an ounce of attaining to accomplish. As a child, I was far more associated with the fear of satan than I ever was with the optimum and powerful love of god. I was terrified of our so-called god. He never made sense, and now I understand why? The teachers (well-intentioned as they were) taught from a place of insecurity and notions of fear—the complete opposite of all things mighty and powerful. The treacherous uphill battle that seems to cascade over religious women constantly inspires me to encourage women to begin an inner awareness of evaluating what heaven truly is and that it is the most glorious wonder of life every day. I speak this way, and I realise it may present as polarising as is the truth. It is essential. The truth absolutely terrifies folks. I know because it once absolutely horrified me for over forty-four years as a religious woman to the point of constant submission.

Furthermore, if anyone living has the right to speak about unhappiness and despair, it would invariably be me. I am the happiest person I've ever known. I do not romanticise life as an inauthentic description. As Tasha Tudor often stated, "Take Joy" is our motto. My ability has arisen from my knowledge and actual experiences. I have extrapolated the critical mysteries of life on earth. I am a human in a mortal body, which requires small bits of resistance and is a delightful requirement for human expansion and enlightenment. To romanticise struggle is as insipid as those on social media glamorising mental illness and toxic positivity.

When women post on social media about strife and sorrow and admonish the awareness of the 'deceitful' ones, that, in my opinion, is clearly recognised as a lackful vibrational state of low self-worth and insecurity. It is also quite authoritative and driven by fear. Fearful folks pop in and out of these states quite often, and it seems to be prevalent among religious folks more than any others. All of those across the land will sense an author who possesses a hostile nature and vast degrees of internal contention. Either it is the spectrum of aggression or a neverending place of feeling the guilt to succumb to humility and subjection. This is not who we are innately, and that is why it never feels good to us/ (Christian women) and why there is a fluctuation between disillusionment and sadness. I pledge to do my sincere best to teach from a state of unfeigned love. I shall place my stalwart bold reinforcements and be the woman I am by shedding light once again on the score (title of this post) at hand. I am provoked to speak in such a forthright nature, aiming that women will attend to my philosophies, as I've merely decided to no longer await the opportune time to satisfy courage. I am noble in nature and feel bravery is one of my strong suits; this subject is essential for revolutionary change and begins at home. The quietness of refrainment will not contribute to a mindset of religious climate change, so I get on and beat the dead horse. I intend to give rise to one's awareness of this inclination regarding the faculties of what Instagram and social media (as a whole) fulfil. It disrupts women's personalities, especially those of religious disposition.

You will fall in love with my turn of phrase; I solemnly pledge to you. All things are of a small effort at the start.

Foolish me, I've been reading 19th-century novels for two weeks unending. (smile)

That is enough as one can be overzealous with overcomplicating one's credentials and experienced conclusions.

I did not make assumptions without careful findings from my experience on this score. Simultaneously I do not object to Instagram as it is a most rewarding and lovely outlet for women. I do, however, seek to heed women of this growing urge for validation within the context of the Christian niche. I withstood great scorn (and I accept responsibility for my portions by way of universal laws and reaping what I had sown); however, the insidious cloaked treatment of unpleasant measures and beastly judgement must be understood. It repeats my ideology of discerning what women's actions are while on social media. I speak willingly near this subject not to judge, scorn or even remove oneself, only to establish optimistic and favourable solutions for the women interested in my lecturing. Landlocked women must seek to measure their inner stability. If not, women will raise children with a warped, devalued sense of self. It will carry onward through the generations if women of faith are not bold enough to recognise their interchangeable effects. In no way should women remove themselves from social media altogether (the changing of conditions), as this does not resolve the subtlety of emotional instability for sustainable measures. Women must make this connection between the two and reignite their strength. Many Christian faith women discover and blindly allow themselves to be spoon-fed varied narratives (such as the Rachel Hollis ghastly debacle). By reason, women of faith tend to idolise others, especially if the person idolised has created a false sense of security and assurance for them. My purpose and mission are to teach and encourage women to recognise their own strength and not rely on others outside of themselves. I admonish women to buy their religion wholesale, not retail, signifying to go straight to source/ god /universe and refrain from going through another. Much of this retail religion occurs because, unfortunately, many folks are peddling a narrative conducive to the almighty buck. Many of the gurus and churches out there today lack self-confidence and are fiddling their way blindly through regurgitating the same ole things. The gurus conjure up an online commerce presence and then drum up a board of "special people and thought leaders" to collectively make money. These folks aren't spectacular (lovely, I'm certain) but no more lovely or brilliant than another. Women crave empowerment, just as we all do; nonetheless, the examples shown as of late are, at best, greenhorns.

Allow me to suggest an experiment. Take off onto your social media and select a person you sincerely follow and admire, and spend time commenting or engaging on their page. Then I would like you to implore yourself deep below why you commit to those acts of engagement. Do you sincerely and genuinely appreciate the person or what they are romanticising through their reels, images or captioned descriptions, or was it generated from a place of profoundly wanting validation, a community of like-mindedness or that perhaps the person will see it and in a moment lend a false sensed recognition towards you? How might you begin turning that adoration onto yourself from hereafter? Women have this incredible desire to be loved, chosen and adored (as we all do), but these actions are prevalent in deep stemming insecurities and low self-worth. I say that with the most significant understanding and love, and I could not speak so boldly if I were not all of these aspects myself at one time. 

I know what insecurity and the sense of disempowerment feel like, and it's dreadfully oppressing. We see it quite often with celebrities as well. It is the feeding of the beast by validating others that perpetuates an ongoing portrayal. Celebrities with deep developmental insecurities are not distinct; their need for validation usually increases to absorbents when their regular play no longer works to their advantage. Many celebrities are celebrities because they manifest fame (which is lovely and demonstrates manifesting embodiment) and feed their internal lack of self-love and desire for validation. These are clear demonstrations of intense longing for acceptance and love because they failed to receive it as children in their developmental years. The celebrities that hold themselves boldly had great imprinting from their caretakers, either that or they've learned early on to give themselves the love they deem so vital. This notion is very apparent in times of strife. Might you peep at many celebrities when the black plague (pandemic) came about? The celebrities that revered themselves in anonymity began coming from the underground and joining social media out of their wanting needs met. Merely as celebrities crave validation, we all desire accolades if we generate our actions based on receiving acceptance from others instead of ourselves. Until we can all give ourselves the assurance our heart requires, we will seek outside ourselves and always fail, as heaven is within.

There is a severe niche among women in faith. It's a promoting affair; many will post in their Instagram description that they are living for Jesus, a believer or a Christian, which I find beautiful; we all want to present ourselves most wonderfully; however, why is the label about being a Christian? Shouldn't the example of being loving, kind and sound by our actions, heart and words be sufficient. It arrives as if one is trying to say aloud to the village town square, "only enter my feed if you're exactly like me; otherwise, bugger off." It's entirely off-putting and straightaway lends to judgemental in verse. This theme is precisely why we presently have difficulties within Christian communities as a collective. A person's beliefs shouldn't be a reason to follow or not follow.

Suffice to say; if I am a dog person, and one describes they are a cat person, I wouldn't need to read this in a description; I would soon learn, "oh, this person loves cats, AND I love the way she decorated her home in the Victorian style. Do I discredit her profile immediately because she loves cats and not dogs? No, I give it some time and see if this person will show more dimensions than just loving cats? I call this trait unconditional love. Women/ human folks are dualities by nature. It will always be a vibrational matter, not a description on social media. (Having written this post, I am seriously considering no description on Instagram at all, smile) I may simply settle on nothing, and folks can come to find out. I square religion into this equation because we should not need to advertise it when we ARE something. I see this as a red flag of inclusion. Isn't there an old saying that if we are something, we do not need to tell everyone, and if we do, that means most likely we are not? This rout transpired to Rachel Hollis, and it's happened many times with so many folks. It's probably even happened in many of our town villages to folks we thought we knew. Might one chew on that contemplative thought. I admonish us to create a harmonious society where regardless of differences, we love everyone, not just those who agree with us.

Furthermore, the ones that adore us do not challenge our security. On the contrary, it is usually the ones that teach us the most who are quite the characters. The difficult people are the ones that cause us to go inward, and I surely hope for that to be the situation after reading this post. If one was not aroused, I'm not speaking to them; if I did stimulate, that is a sign of progress, tickle me fancy.

I believe it is essential to recall that everyone is most beautiful. The feeling that because we compare and the slight sensations of jealousy erupt should not make one feel inadequate. If these impressions are firing off when landing upon the social media stage, the good fortune is to recognise one's emotions. These emotions are one's body and heart speaking through to the soul. It is the God aspect (one's essential being) of self provoking thee to expansion, if I may. Suppose another's suitable means, beautiful home, happy relationship, wealth, abundance, lifestyle, and knowledgeable skills threaten new heights. In that case, this does indeed hold tremendous value in the minds and hearts of women. One must ask oneself and evaluate feelings that arise when on social media; it's undoubtedly stimulating the nervous system. That is a positive navigational course correction and greatly benefits evaluation and due personal examination.

Romanticising everything in our lives for the benefit of other people will leave one heavily disappointed and an agonising resurfacing of the stimulated sentiments of low self-worth. Our real lives are quite romantic, very much so. Still, it must become an internal affair, not opening up an app to once again go outside of ourselves to present a story we are not up to snuff to play outside of social media. Let us also see this from another perspective. Playing pretend or creating lovely stories or images is all well and dandy, as long as one is forthright and transparent. The theme I take with many Christian women is that they are mothers and develop a separate world on social media. The gravitation toward creating the same kind of social group of acceptance and inclusion can be challenging for women receiving social media interaction only. In other words, another form of judgement and exclusivity. Oftentimes, Mormon women or Christian faith women are limited in their exposure to the outside world. They spend time nurturing and caring for their children while also being doting homemakers and housewives. When I was a stay at home mother and fully immersed in religion, my mate was never home and rarely a participant in the family; women in the Mormon and Christian faith perform the majority of the tending, role modelling and parenting. I have no objection to unrealistic notions, as I deeply acknowledge when the longing to seek outside oneself for validation is significantly felt. We must become the valued landlocked mermaid goddesses we are and firmly place ourselves back upon the pedestal. This topic must be addressed with continued pleasantness, respect and helpful conversation. We do not have to edit or change everything to make it beautiful; we have to recognise it is thus far.

"I urge you to use your imagination for everything that is lovely and loving. I do not care what your desire may be, your imagination will give it to you, for the human imagination is the divine body the world calls Jesus."—Neville Goddard

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. Beautifully written ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’›

    1. Thank you so very much. I think I recognise the author behind those heart emojis. Smile, Cuddles...


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