Sunday, October 2, 2022

A Cottage In The Woods At The End Of A Path

"Home is the nicest word there is."~Laura Ingalls Wilder 

If you were to come upon my little cottage, you might be a wee bit disillusioned by its appearance. It's the same way a woman I read about once who toured Tasha Tudor's Corgi Cottage. The lady had spent years preparing to visit Tasha Tudor's little Corgi Cottage; upon her arrival and midway through the tour, she came upon Tasha's modern summer kitchen and what disenchantment she experienced. The woman had created a fictional representation of Tasha and her home.

I've not meant for one to feel this way; however, when a person makes an image in their mind and comes upon the reality, and it does not measure up, it initiates an imprinted guise of sorts. I'm speaking on this matter as I am well aware of how often (before I shifted my olde beliefs) I would see someone's home after having conjured up a fairytale notion of how they lived by the words they used to describe their home on social media. I became disenchanted when certitude found its way to my front door. I want to envision a dream, and although, quite frankly, my environment on the outskirts is less than pleasing, I do intend to expand without more spoiling. After spoiling has gone off for decades, folks lose their footing and either give up, sell off their inheritance or leave it for which it takes on a road to ruin. I'm up against a vast feat concerning my family's land. However, I have an intuitive knowing I was born for this endeavour. The favour of the heavens supports my efforts, and I shall prevail. When taking on such an exemplary task, one will undoubtedly at times have bouts of floundering, feel a bit imbalanced, and not want to go forth. However, perseverance builds character, the endurance that makes a powerful landlocked mermaid. 

I want to speak on why having a magical approach to one's life by utilising lovely flowery dotty whimsical verses is vital to a landlocked mermaid. Accomplishing fairytale notions is essential to one's imagination. When a person conjures images with words, it creates the culmination of a dream. If the person is faithful to the approach, it will harden into fact and then manifest. This arrangement of mindset is not a flaky matter; it's a strategy that will take most human folk a mortal lifetime to accomplish and then another, perhaps numerous, lifetimes. I am speaking on this qualifying subject as it was brought to my attention by a comment someone made to me many years ago. The statement stood that I was presenting a falsified narrative by posting photos that were indeed my photography; nevertheless, they were perhaps photos of a cottage, kitchen, interior, or neighbourhood that inspired me. I tried to explain to this person that it's not presenting a false narrative; it's living from a mindset of inspiration and dreaming. Before things become tangible, they first have to be imagined; this is what all great artists and imaginaries accomplish and how the world expands with beauty, innovation, fantasy, and magic. One must build upon imagination, which produces unique specialities. 

When I was a little lass, I dreamt of living in a little cottage in the woods with an old water pump and an outhouse. I would be an author and illustrator writing little storybooks eerily reminiscent of Beatrix Potter's style with the dotty lyrical wonder of words. Then, whilst paintings would dry, I would disperse moments of my time with baking something lovely and write to my ole pals across the pond.

"The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely the beauty of life lies in the everyday things around us."~Laura Ingalls Wilder

I am living that life now; however, I never knew the reason or the inclination of how it would make its way. As mortals, we do not know how to orchestrate such matters, yet our higher (fourth-dimensional) self does. Three years ago, the building which sits directly behind my folk's main cottage was closed for some time, a project that lost its zeal years prior. As I sat crying one day and feeling as though I must have something to distract me from the mire of my thoughts about my son dying, I asked my folks if I could use the little storage room as a project, and that is how Scarlette Rose Cottage was born. I suppose the moral of this story is that it's not ultimately my dream come true in a forever home; nonetheless, it may have not been for that purpose long term? I cannot know for certainty; nonetheless I know that I take each day in stride, as it may have simply been a moment in time when the cottage assisted in my healing. I've made the most of it, and now I feel the trembling beneath my feet that It Is time to spread my wings further. If there's one particular notion I've learned, I do not take my life for granted. I will go on to loftier and favourable fortes; rest assured. A door is closing, and new ones are opening, which causes me to reflect; I didn't rescue the little one-room cottage; it rescued me.

Be gentle on yourself, my dear mermaid hearts, and remain faithful to yourself and your divine efforts. I have all the faith in the world for you and your exquisite spritely magical dreams.

Most affably yours til' my next swim, Raquelxxx 

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