Thursday, February 21, 2019

In Honour Of Beatrix Potter { An Artist/Authors Dearest Treasure}

My dear friends, 
It should come as no surprise that I have had a fascination with Beatrix Potter since I was a child. 

Even though her books are recommended for children ages 7-12, I presently enjoy them, and will forever more.

My books are also for ages 7~12. I have always been drawn to Beatrix in one form or another. Whether that was collecting the storybooks to read to my children, decorating my children's nurseries with rabbits, or having my very own cottage bunnies, just as Beatrix did.

I have been collecting her books for years. I have been able to find them here and there online and from thrift books. I also found a few from Etsy. Some of them look like they were at one time from a library or school because as you can see they have library tabs on them.

One of the most charming things I like about Beatrix's books is her illustrations and the terminology with her literature. Beatrix had a way of eloquently using language without deficiency.  I have taken that from her and also implemented that into my stories. If you have read most contemporary  children's books there is a poverty of language.  As if the writer is trying to water down the books. I happen to believe that in order to create an encouraging spirit within a child's reading capacity, one must inspire children to reach for more. What that requires is a challenge of forethought and discussion.

Beatrix's work presents young children with an enriching vocabulary with complexity in the sentences and storylines. Just as Beatrix did this in her books, I too have done this with my stories. I wanted to create an approach for children to aspire to learning vast words with gusto and zest.

Whereas sight words are important for spritely readers, I do feel as a writer it is my duty to incorporate my books with interesting and deeply thought provoking ideology.

To demonstrate complexity in my books, just as Beatrix, here is an excerpt from "The Tale Of Henny Penny Goody Two~Shoes." The release date is July 28th 2019; Beatrix Potter's birthday.

It is a silly little sight to watch a brood of hens with a rabbit!

This is a tale of a hen named Henny Penny Goody Two~Shoes, who was often ill~mannered. She was annoyed the other hens looked upon her good intentions in a ridiculously misconstrued fashion.

Her sister, Mrs May Goody Two~Shoes never understood Henny Penny's prickliness.

___"You must gain composure of yourself, Henny Penny. All is well on the farm!"

"I have good reason to be a fussy hen with my rudimentary ways; clucked Henny Penny!"

I am healthily obsessed with Beatrix, and I say all hail to the queen of childrens books. She is an extraordinary woman!

Are you a fan of Beatrix and her little storybooks?

What do you think of the excerpt from my next book? I hope you are as tickled conch shell pink as I am with my new story!

I would love feedback. Thank you kindly in advance dear friends.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. My degree is actually in education. Average television uses about a 3000 word vocabulary. Children will repeat what they hear even if they use a term incorrectly, it's opportunity for them to learn. I am a firm believer in reading to them above their level and stretching their knowledge. The difficulty comes in making a story they can somehow relate to as so many children have only what they see on tv or video games to correlate a story to. Their real life experiences (not facing a screen) are extremely lacking.
    Wasn't that in the book you were talking about? "Write what you wish to read." It will be great!

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more! Yes, indeed thank you for the reminder... write the book I want to read. I miss you!


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