Friday, October 4, 2019

Let Go Of The Oars

My dear friends, 

I have tea in hand. I am sipping Earl Grey and one last nibble of my pumpkin spice cookies that I baked a few days ago. I was desperate for some pumpkin spice chai, too, but the store was utterly sold out.

I meditate each day, and when I do, I focus my energy on particular occurrences that are presenting themselves in my life. You, my dear friends, are aware that the gardener and I are in between moving. We sold the house and next week we will be actually leaving. We haven't found our forever home, as of yet, so we will be staying with my folks for the interim. I know logically and have practised the law of attraction long enough to perceive all things are working together for our good, even when things look as if they aren't. The next judicial step is for me to continue to surrender, and to stop needing to fill in the grid. This is a ubiquitous state for most humans. To have control or feel like we have to work like mules to receive the gifts of all that we desire, we continuously go about trying to bang things into place. Today,  I needed the reminder about letting go of the oars. Ever since the passing of my dear son Sawyer, I know most assuredly I have a grasp on my allowing. There are still those tiny, fleeting moments where my past conditioning begins to bubble up to the surface, and just for an instant, I catch myself picking up the oars and start paddling like mad.

Whether that is in the way of stress, things aren't happening quick enough for me: I think I need to make some calls, email a realtor, and my mind becomes a tizzy withers. However, I then catch myself and realise I don't need to do anything but get myself back into alignment. Did you know that one person, in alignment with their inner being, is more powerful than millions who aren't? That is a beautiful truth that I heard at an Abraham Hicks workshop. Profound, yes?  My only job is to be in allowance of what is to come. So, as I was pondering the idea of not knowing when and where our forever home is, or having no vision of how to financially afford what I want, I was brought to the quote from Amy Tudor.

" Think of Tasha in her 50's: leaving the red clapboard New Hampshire home she'd restored and raised her family in, the gardens she'd cultivated, the familiar landscapes she'd painted. She dug up her mature, prized plants and drove them in her old Land Rover to the new homestead in Vermont. To fulfil her dream of living in Vermont, she was willing to depart from her previously travelled path."~Amy Tudor

It was a beautiful reminder from the Universe/God/Source to remember that all of my desires are already fulfilled. I must trust, align my energy, and it will come to me in perfect timing as I go forth in my life.

I was also reminded that Tasha looked at her new experience with utter joy. She wasn't concerned at all that she was getting her forever home, and she was in her mid-fifties. I am so happy that I found and read that quote. I know it was just the tonic I needed. God/Source knew it as well. Isn't that simply beautiful the way we are always looked after and cared for? 
All that we desire is downstream, not upstream like we infer. Western culture uniquely is conditioned to paddle strenuously and rapidly when our life seems too harsh, or experience isn’t living up to our probabilities. We think that if we try harder, with much effort, we will figure it out and ultimately get what we want. Nevertheless, life isn’t meant to be complicated or a struggle. Our natural state is one of relaxation and abundance. To arrive at that place, we simply have to "let go of the oars". In doing so, the canoe {our life} will whirl itself around, and the current will carry us downstream. It’s another way of surrendering.

Have you ever been canoeing down a river? I have many times. {Remember, I am a mermaid, smile, wink, wink} I know that to get the canoe to navigate the way I want it to, I have to make little effort with the oars and relax while the water does all of the work for me. The analogy is a perfect way that Source/God/ Universe speaks to me. The universe knows since I was very young, that I like to learn from metaphors.
So, the next time you feel an eagerness to know what is going to happen in your life, put down the oars and get yourself back into alignment. Today, this has been my reminder. I surely hope that this post inspired you somewhat. Have a most lovely weekend.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. Thank you dear friend ~ for I needed this reminder as well. It is amazing how easy it is to get snagged by the nets of society when all we really need to is flow with the current.
    Wishing you a beautiful day πŸπŸΏπŸ‚

    1. Joey Lea,
      Isn't that the truth of it? I love your analogy of nets of society. So sweet and your emojis are lovely. I love you...


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