Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Victorian Views Of Nature's Autumnal Countryside And My Tasha Tudor Halloween Costume Preparation

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My dear friends, 

Since the gardener and I have been nesting in our temporary home, I have concentrated on my photography skills. Since I don't have a home to maintain, like "a lady of the house", I have the time to really give my undivided attention to learning techniques that I wasn't previously focused on.

As you can see, I finally ironed out some time to bake some Pumpkin Wedge Scones. Thank you to my dear friend, JoeyLeah, for the recipe; however, I ruined this batch; even though the photo looks scrumptious, I had to make another batch after this one. I also added some sugar crystals; they always make things taste better, don't they? 

Aren't my momma's Blue Danube dishes beautiful?

Look below at this gorgeous autumnal setting of the little lane road! It's the road to the beautiful Chinsegut Hill Manor House. Do you recall back in 2015, I was planning my small gathering workshop, called "Follow Your Heart"? I even spoke about the location, which was Chinsegut Hill Manor House. I have loved this place all of my life. It's an authentic Victorian manor that was erected in 1847. I will dedicate an entire post to it at a later date, as I'd really like to do it justice, although I still wanted to show you the photos I took with my cell phone. It was the first place I told Jeffrey I had to go to after we got settled in. This is just the vision I one day want to drive down to get to my forever property. A long winding road out in the middle of nowhere. 

LOOK! I mean, look at that gorgeous home! You drive upon this when you round the road and get up the hill, Chinsegut Hill Manor House. What a dreamy place. It's just as beautiful on the inside with its clawfoot tubs, wood floors and fireplaces, oh my!

Well, now~ let me tell you about my Halloween costume this year. As you may well know, last year, I went as Beatrix Potter, so this year I thought I'd go with another of my favourites, Tasha Tudor. I know~ it's not much of a stretch for me, but I'm as tickled as a pig in mud.

The brown calico print will be my dress, and the navy blue star will be a half apron. The pattern that I'm using is a reproduction of an 1850 work dress. You may have seen the design because I think I have posted it on the 'Take Peace' Facebook page before.  

My dearest aunt said she would crochet me a Tasha Tudor tip to tip shawl as similarly as she could to knitting. Tasha loved to knit, and that's the one craft that I don't know how to do. I am indeed planning to learn, though. 
So, for my outfit, I'll wear a hand-sewn dress, apron, shawl, and a scarf on my head and around my neck a broach to coordinate. How delightful! I can hardly contain my emotions!
Now~ being that I do not own a real Welsh Corgi dog, I purchased a stuffed animal corgi from Amazon. I am planning to carry a basket {which is for my candy collection, too} with the stuffed corgi and Pumpkin Moonshine book inside. 
I mean, how adorable are these dogs! My neighbours had one when we lived in Tampa, and I just loved watching them as they would walk past the cottage while taking their evening stroll. I can't wait to get our forever property because as soon as we move, I will get my very own Welsh Corgi. I have been nonchalantly looking for a purebred. I am all for "adopt not shop"; however, I have had a few negative experiences with shelter dogs full-grown, so I will use the law of attraction, just as I did when getting Oliver Twistytopsy.

I am off to bake some desserts to accompany my tea for this evening and finish cutting out the pattern for my dress. 

Are you dressing up for Halloween, or do you feel as though it's a child's holiday?

Oh, and before I forget, if you are interested in my little original {Mermaidlings/Little Women} paintings, please let me know, as I am starting to fill up for Christmas. I surely would love to paint for you. So comment below, or visit my Etsy shop to place an order.   

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. Heehee - you are a doll! I don't dress up but have been known to wear Groucho Marx glasses on picture day or elf ears at Christmas etc. when I was teaching preschool. Tasha was certainly an inspiration to many.
    You might see if there is a Corgi rescue group in the area rather than a shelter. They are often much more concerned with a good match rather than just getting critters adopted. Sometimes it's a case of the owner passes away and there is nobody to take the dog, etc. Anyhoo, just an idea.

    1. Oh my Gosh! That's a brilliant idea. I have been signed up to a rabbit rescue, so why ever did I not think to do that too with a corgi. Thank you doll, {I knew there was a reason I kept you around. Hahahaha} Muawhhh!

  2. How funny, the selfsame stuffed corgi has been sitting in my Amazon cart for awhile! After we are done endlessly buying paint and baseboard trim and faucets and all, that dog will be coming to our future home. When I am making my Tasha-esque dresses, I use the "Isabella Workdress" pattern, is that the one you use? It's always seemed closest to her "Stillwater Dress" to my eye, although there are others that tweak well, too.

    1. NOOOOO! Tell me more about this isabella work dress pattern. I am surely going to look that up, as soon as I finish my post for this morning. I am so tickled about this news! You're a wealth of knowledge sweet Kimberly, I just love having friends like you. You make my days brighter. Muawhhh...

    2. Wow, that was a journey . . . the rights to that pattern have been sold and re-sold so many times it was interesting trying to track it down for you! I found one place, at least, still selling the pattern (Amazon Drygoods): This was drafted off of an extant workdress. Makes up relatively easily. I've noticed that while Tasha loved the 1830's the best, in day-to-day photographs she doesn't wear the sleeves of the '30s.

    3. Kimberly, I hope you didn't put yourself out too much trying to locate that pattern. Thank you so much. I had no idea about the 30's style sleeve. Now, I'm quite curious.

  3. It's so fascinating what women over the centuries and decades have chosen to pad . . . err, *enhance*. From panniers to bum rolls wasp-waist corsets to shoulder pads to plastic surgery, we women seem to be prone to altering our silhouette ;). In the 1830s, sleeves were so large in the upper portion that they required a "foof" inside to hold them out. In fact, I was working on the sleeves of an 1830's dress for my daughter and thus thinking of Tasha Tudor the day we all heard she had died - strange that. I played her favorite song "She's Like the Swallow" on loop that day (I read once that was her favorite song, but the commenter thought it was largely because the song contained primroses, which Tasha loved). But I digress. To see a lovely example of 1830s sleeves, and many other beautiful pieces as well, try this website and just scroll through to 1830:

    1. Oh Kimberly, Thank you so very much. I am climbing down the rabbit hole, now. I will have to look up that song, I haven't ever heard of it, I don't believe. I appreciate your comments so very much, and I hope your weekend is well. Muawhhh, Raquelxxx


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