Monday, April 13, 2020

Hunky-Dory At The Cottage

How was your easter? Ours was a delight, just as expected. I did have a mishap with my peasant bread. I killed my yeast, and I had to begin again. But I always say, it's okay that things like that happen, I know what I did to kill the yeast, so no high degree of harm was done. You simply start again.

My dear BG {Beloved Gardener} and I went outside and worked in the garden. He tilled up a long strip along the fence line, and I planted all of my seed packets. We shall have to see what sprouts up if anything because the seeds were rather old. Jeffrey made his very own drip lines so that he can cut down on his watering time. With how my folk's property and where the full sun comes up, Jeffrey had to plant several beds of vegetables all over the property. It’s very much a hodgepodge of gardens all over the place. However, I think it’s very cottage-like. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, hither and thither.
I was feeling a bit weary at the weekend, so I pleaded with Jeffrey to help me blow the cobwebs away and by taking me to look at the canal down the road would be just the tonic I needed.  Knowing the ocean is a hop and a skip, I needed to get out of the cottage and breathe in some fresh air. The boat docks were loaded with folks fishing. Jeffrey and I didn't get out at the boat docks, we just drove by. We did, however, stop at an old victorian house on the canal that's been vacant for years. So I felt safe enough that we were following the rules to some degree. {Ekkk...} We were the only ones around for about a half a mile. For sure, there was no social distancing going on from what I saw. I am beginning to wonder if people are starting to ignore the rules of staying home out of sheer cabin fever and going stark raving mad. 
I went out early to give the chickens a little Easter treat, which consisted of two fistfuls of mealworms. They get mealworms every day; however, I wanted to treat them by giving them extra on such a special day. Ya know cause they bless us with an ever abundance of beautiful organic eggs, every single day. I love having chickens so much! Do you have chickens?

I gave Sir Oliver extra love today, some yummy fresh parsley and dried rosebuds. He was a dear little thing and posed perfectly for photos.

Look how I used my egg platter today. It's usually my paint tray. My mama and I have matching trays.
I used my lace antique tablecloth that my dear friend Jan sent to me when my Sawyer passed. She's from New England and the kindest soul. This was the first time I've ever used it, so it was extra special.

I was tickled that my children sent me Easter wishes. I think It's quite charming when i get texts that say, " Happy Easter Mum! I love you." That means so much to me. 
I worked on more sketches for my planner system called ”A Victorian Mermaids Agenda.” This is one sketch I did for the Fin Focus Wheel. Have you ever used the focus wheel process that Esther Hicks {Abraham-Hicks} frequently speaks of in her workshops? It's also one of the methods in her book, ”Ask, and It Is Given.”
Of course, you know me, I had to mermaidify {Yes, that's a word. Look it up. Wink wink. }, it to make it more suited to ”fit my bill.” I'm tickled conch shell pink to get this system completed.

Nonetheless, I like to work on it when I'm inspired, which has felt the case very much for me in the last few weeks. I was listening to many YouTube videos at the weekend of Abraham~Hicks, which happens to be commonplace for me; however, the videos that stuck out to me were distinctly on the momentum of timing. So I can safely say that Source is my “leading light” as to my successive delightful projects. An inspired action is utmost essential in how I am led each day. I imagine I'm a fish {or better yet, a mermaid} following my sparkled bliss!

How have you felt led as of late, while being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea?

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

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