Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cartering About And Mr Sir Barbaric's Zucchini Bread {The Beatrix Potter Way}

The Beatrix Potter Way!

Everyone should have a hero! Don't you agree? One that they look up to just well enough to inspire them to reach for the stars and their hearts desires. We all can find ways of discovering those lovely souls that inspire and expand one's way of thinking. That's precisely what Beatrix Potter does for me each day. I find each day that we are surely capable of finding our happy place? We find something that pleases the punch out of us and milk it for everything it's worth. That's also another way the law of attraction works and brings our desires to us tenfold. Everyone pretty much knows that if you find joy in something and you keep practising that thing that brings you joy, it grows and becomes more substantial and durable.

So, in Beatrix Potter fashion, and as if my ol' guiding spirited friend encourages me, I have begun to create little snippets of how The Carter Settlement is unfolding. Beatrix Potter Society has a subscription about Beatrix in which they call," Pottering About," so in an attempt to emulate, I named my musings" Cartering About." It's where I tell you what is presently happening in my world.
A piece I'm currently working on... 

Our spring garden has been successful, however beings that I would like our vegetables to get more direct sunlight, I decided to move the wattle fencing, and turn the beds into small 3 x 8 foot no~dig beds. I'm transferring the beds before planting our summer garden this weekend.
Another project on the to-do list is to pick up our delivery of lime rock to begin stoning the outside of Scarlette Rose Cottage.
I'm not sure if you planted any zucchini in your spring garden, or if you are like Scarlette Rose the naughty lil' mermaid and have stolen yours from someone, but just in case you have, I thought I'd give you a recipe. Scarlette Rose stole her zucchini from Mr Sir Barbarics garden. {smile}
She was eager to bake a loaf of zucchini bread to accompany her chamomile tea for later this evening.
Bertram, Warren and Little John had sweet seaweed currant buns instead.

(Mr Sir Barbaric is the farmer in my storybook" The Tale of MerryMaid Scarlette Rose.")

Mr Sir Barbarics Zucchini Bread Recipe
3 eggs beaten
1 cup of vegetable oil
2 cups of sugar
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups peeled, coarsely grated zucchini

Combine first five ingredients, mix well.
Combine dry ingredients, add to oil mixture mixing well. Stir in zucchini.

Pour batter in a well-sprayed pound cake or bundt pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45-55 minutes. Check doneness at 45 minutes with a toothpick. 

Allow cooling before removing from pan. When cool pour glaze over cake.

1/2 cup confectioners sugar
2 to 3 teaspoons milk, whisk until smooth. Add more milk if thinner icing is desired. Enjoy! 

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

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