Monday, March 20, 2023

Faith, Hope, Love and Good Luck And Lady Raquel's Revelations On Friendship

Channel the royal spirit, my dears! 

"Of all the bonds that exist between people, perhaps the sweetest is the bond of friendship. For it is born not of duty or blood ties but out of sheer delight in another." 

Indeed If you see the post title, I have, from this point forward, created a little something called "Raquel's Revelations" it is similar to what The Pioneer Woman calls "Ree's Confessionals." Another secret element from the book Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon is to steal from everyone who peeks one's interest at every chance you get. However, may I take it a step further? One must not just steal from one person; we must steal from everyone and make it our own, which makes for originality; otherwise, stealing from only one person is considered a copycat imitation. Here is a lovely page from Steal Like An Artist to differentiate the two thefts. 

Did you know that I take the extra step of jotting down posts for thee ole' blog by penning the post by hand and thereafter typing it into my "online diary?" The posts are much better written than if I were to type them out. Trust me, I've made an effort for it, and they sound dusty and not nearly as promising. I'm attempting to get out of my own way when it pertains to creating content, which reminds me, did you perchance see my latest video on ye ol' YouTube? Here's the link if you'd like to watch it. Also, for my patrons, I wrote a very personal post on Patreon, and that link is here

I've spent the last nine days or so convalescing as I detected no severe illness, but upon further investigation, I realised I caught Bronchitis; it wasn't a terrible bit, but enough to render me the stamina to edit or find photos for thee olde blog. I terribly missed writing to you, my darling sweet Stillwater Petticoat Society. 

Allow me to get on; for now, I am perfectly sound. 

I wasn't energetic on St. Patricks Day, as I was not feeling much up to any sort of constructive occupation. Oh, in my heart of hearts, I was so excited to take on several projects, yet my body was calling for rest, and thus, I rendered the desire to lean into my physical needs. I think it's quite crucial for us as Mermaids (women) to listen to our landlocked bodies and adhere to what our higher spiritual Goddess self is attempting to relay to us. Too often, we ignore our bodies' many cries and wind up paying a higher price. Hence my being brought to my bed once again, bedridden. I do understand we as women often have no other choice depending upon our circumstances; however, if we do have those opportunities to take advantage of repair and restoration, we truly must learn to accept the help and be glad in it. I mention this imparting of advice for I remember being a young mother, and the rationale I so leniently gave into was not inquiring for assistance or receiving help (although I desperately required it). I was entirely too self-conscious in rural attempts to remain externally "perfect" as if I could abide all of my required endeavours with grace, ease and delight of my own accord, although I was drowning in overwhelm. One must attune to the times, my dear hearts. Endeavouring to be and do everything for everyone never leads to anything edifying although we may believe we appear indestructible, this is not so. I was on a course of self-destruction, all to please others and assist in making their lives as comfortable as possible by giving way to allowances to everyone but myself. Reducing our personal womanly needs will undoubtedly and markedly cause grey beneath our caps at an early onset. (Heh...) Whereas my insecurities did propel me to become entirely self-reliant, they created a barrier between myself and other women. It is hard to be friendless in the hour of need and bitter to be alone at the moment of reckoning, for friendship itself is the sharing of truths. Today I would tell my younger self that it's perfectly lovely and wonderful to allow other women or relations and friends to swoop in and help us when the occasion warrants. This incident is widely distinct from taking advantage of the help; that's another story entirely. 

I've not been on Instagram stories, as I am experimenting with using cell food drops and tea tree oil to remove the two small moles on my face. I have a small one beside my nose and a small one beneath my cheek and chin. They haven't ever truly bothered me to the degree that I must have them gone; however, I wanted to see if what I've been reading about in molecular enzymes is true. What better way than to research me? I've stressed to you many o' times I am a guinea pig for experimentation. It's working; they are nearly gone entirely. In the first few days, I had to place a little flesh-coloured plaster (bandaid) on to avoid scratching them. Are you that way? If it's peeling away dry skin, I seem to keep my hands constantly fiddling and touching. I remember a lass in high school who loved to peel our friend's dead skin from our sunburns. Peculiar heh? The bizarre of growing up in Florida. 

I've been holding myself accountable each day (Monday thru Friday) to reinforce my endurance skills to remain beholden to responsibilities with releasing Sawyer's book The Tale of Sawyer Lamb by his birthday, June 8, 2023. I realise I've shared all sorts of days in regards to releasing books this there and the tenth with you, dear hearts and oftentimes failed to produce; however, I admittedly confess to grappling with turning up every day. I am changing this trait about myself this go-round as I understand it was a slight fear I had attached to my limiting beliefs of abandonment and not feeling heard. (In my next video for youtube, I am sharing a detailed video about this topic. I look forward to your visit over there. Here is the link to my YouTube if you'd like to subscribe.) Yes, ma'am, another abandonment and self-worth belief for dear ole' Raquel. Is that not how it operates, though? One must not feel the pressures of revealing one's inadequacies, for we all have redeeming qualities and unfortunate self-destructive limiting traits too. The fortitude and boldness in self-acceptance are when we are more equipped to rectify such measures making us as beautiful mermaids (women) all the more influential for our daughters and others for which to be examples.

We travel the world in and out and one belief or maybe two, and there is a running tune with all of our other beliefs at play with a similar trend. The beliefs that I had to arduously toil at creating new beliefs for (and listening at night), (if you haven't guessed) were abandonment, distrust, respect and low self-worth. These battles are why I beat the dead horse here on ye olde blog, as it is my solemn desire to assist others. I wish to help inspire women to gather the passion for changing their lives themselves to achieve all of their dreams (by leading them back to themselves), which is self-love, the most tremendous force on earth. I deeply love and care about you (my dear hearts) more than you can speculate, which is why I apply quite a bit of grit to this online literary diet. It may seem harsh at times; however, I sincerely believe in tough love. I wouldn't care about you or anyone in this big blue marble if I didn't say what I mean with the confidence and hope to lead one to the alter of their own higher consciousness. I mean it with deep empathy and love for others, as I do not apply for favour but to encourage personal power and love. It is quite similar to raising my children. I did not position myself to be my children's "friend" but to be their mother. I am here to lead one to themselves, not for pedestal worship nor idolisation but to direct folks to know of their own divine worth. 

The new week will comprise of additionally organising the rabbit room and more cleaning, and packing unused things to deliver to the charity shoppe next week. I'm creating a pile. My dear Sir Oliver Twisty Topsy passed away after my birthday on February 28, 2023. I was indeed heart-stricken as Oliver helped me on many occasions through my life in the last eight years, such as when I went through my divorce and then when Sawyer died; he helped me to heal, and aside from those catastrophic life events, he was my first real dream come true that my childlike spirit personified. He was the sweetest little quiet companion I ever did have. Two weeks ago, I dropped him off at the taxidermy (Morgue Made) for pets, and he will be back home in June, the same week Sawyer's book comes out. I am very excited. I am planning a small coronation party in May, are you? I am painting a little banner with the King. I'll post it when I am finished and you can print it off to use if you're planning a little celebration as well. 

I'll write a small post about it closer to the date. I am also planning a small book launch party here at the cottage with my family and Stillwater. (Have you signed up on my pop-up email? It is where you shall receive infrequent emails from me about bits happening dubbed "Sybrenas Sparrow.") I am considering having a little live-stream tea party on youtube. What do you think? Doesn't that sound delightful? Let me know in the comments if that sounds like something fun we could do together as friends. I want to continue creating our community, Stillwater—A Petticoat Society. A few classes I also have planned in the summer are quilting, a mermaid's map and a canning gathering (all courses for women.) I've had numerous women email me wanting to participate. How delightfully exciting! Please sign up for emails to remain informed, as it is good for a woman to be freshly occupied. Thank you, dear friends. 

Most affably, yours til my next swim, Lady Raquel


  1. First, I believe you mentioned Oliver Twisty Tops passing, and I am so sorry to hear that. He was quite the character and I know he was well loved. Secondly, a live stream tea??? That does sound delightful. Shall we wear hats? :-) Will see what I can finagle.

    1. You're correct; I said that Oliver had passed. Thank you, sweetie, I hope all is well, and I am thrilled you would enjoy a live-stream tea. Also, I am excited to see your hat of choice.


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