Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Victorian Mermaid's Secret Keys To The Treasure Chest Of Our Kingdom

Hello, my darling dear mermaid hearts,

The other morning, through meditation, It came to me that the toiling of our moments upon this earth, for myself and all of us, is to gain clarity. 

I shared a few manifesting success stories on Instagram reels yesterday and one on gaining translucence about ourselves and our world. 

I write on my blog about what I deeply care about, what I believe profoundly within my heart, and what will make the world a better place for those who come across my writings and books. I have always desired a place where folks feel inspired and genuinely uncover what they wish to cultivate by reading my work. I have held the intention that even if I write something that touches upon the wounds of another, it is all meant for the greatest good of the individual as well as the collective as a whole. For the power to ignite within a soul the disturbance to want to and decide to change their lives is what I do this for and will continue forth with doing so. 

As individuals, we should look at our lives and decide what we want to spend our days in pursuit of, what groups we want to remain a part of and which ones we should let go; a kind of catch and release, my darlings. What do we want to continue listening to, and when do we turn the other cheek and disengage? 

As the threshold of the holidays is soon to arrive upon us, I find the autumnal season a precious time of year to create our list of expectations. I also think wholeheartedly (and I've seen the vision for decades) that our universe is at an altogether precipice. The beliefs people hold, activities folks engage in, people we once deemed on social media of importance, all of this will become something of an olde world. Our new world will be homesteading, living off of our land, and bartering; enlightenment will come to the masses; the abundance and extraordinary wealth beyond measure will come to many; the unpopular on social media will become the most popular and profound speakers of the day. Trashy, shouty television will be a thing of the past. There will be good, happy, and wholesome shows created. Naught, will there be any more mainstream media? It will fall away entirely. Many will develop their form of entertainment through outlets yet to manifest, and cable television will disappear. We as a nation (in America) will live as we once did in particular areas that brought us joy and pure charm, not all ways, but the beautiful aspects of our archaic history. The poorly times will eradicate. Human folks will be more self-sufficient and teach their children likewise. We will once again treasure the day-to-day pleasantries such as fellowship, heritage activities, kindness, helping one's neighbour and monumental grassroots assembly from an earlier time will be at the forefront. 

The clutter of the mind will fall away from those who become enlightened, and I am very much "Taking Joy" and relishing in the thought of it. 

Have the happiest day, my darling, dear mermaid hearts. I love you most affably and beyond measure. 
(If you want to see a delightful and fun video, I posted my cottage Halloween wreath craft along on Patreon if you're interested.)

Most affably yours til my next swim, Love Razz

Sunday, September 24, 2023

I Love Little House on the Prairie So Much I've Decided To Live In It! (For Now)

Good morning, my dear mermaid hearts, 

This post is one of the most vulnerable I've written in quite some time. As many of you, my dear friends, know, I grew up in a detrimental environment, which caused me to develop a need (for most of my life until I changed my belief system three years ago) to have a strong desire to control as much as conceivable, whether that was my home decorating design, people, situations and the list goes on. Most of my anxiety and want to control disappeared after I divorced the narcissistic dark horse; nonetheless, I had some fine-tuning and pruning in a few more areas.

Now, I must preface: I will not say that things won't alter drastically from one point to another, but that's the vulnerable aspect of why I am sharing. It's necessary to state that merely because a person meanders from one idea to another does not mean I or any other woman is a flake, all over the place, unpredictable, indecisive, unstable, etc. It is that most Pisces, like unto myself, are highly creative and artistic. We have so many ideas, and our imagination is popping off at every whim, and that is why we appear wish-washy, although that is not the case. I'm eliminating those predictable labels and boxes in which folks want to place us. The buck stops here, my fruits. (smile) 

I want you to know how much I value each of you who read my writings. How much and how long it took for me to get where I am today, and one of those aspects of myself that I am proud of is being vulnerable and down to earth. I think that's why my blog is so successful. For one, I am writing from my heart and trying to put out little merriment seeds of happiness and joy with each post. I love this wee little corner of the interweb. 

Along our lives, and mainly when someone is manifesting and is purposefully aware of one's ability to create consciously, there can be much prattle about imposter syndrome. Significantly, when conscious manifestors (such as myself) decide to begin sharing their lives publically and teach about how to manifest, usually it's for the reason we can honestly say we have displayed such and such. For example, I will bang on for two fortnights concerning how to manifest a twin flame and how to have a healthy, happy and sustainable marriage for over eight years. I can also share how to successfully use Neville Goddard's revision technique, as I did when Sawyer passed. Neville's revision technique made that possible. Again, I can speak on thousands of manifesting demonstrations; another one, for example, is being cast on a (Hello Sunshine) reality show. However, I've never talked too openly about manifesting my dream home because it's not a tangible demonstration (as of yet). It was due to imposter syndrome, and many spiritual teachers and leaders, such as myself, blunder with imposter syndrome to varying degrees. 

Here is the skettle of fish, or perhaps it's a blessing in disguise or the silver lining at the end of the rainbow, or whichever way you'd describe it. I will be the optimistic gal and proceed with all is well, and the joy is in the journey. 

Well, what's all this prattle about being vulnerable of which you are eluding to Razz? Let us get on, shall we? 

I am constantly meditating, and after I reprogrammed my subconscious mind with all new beliefs, I am on autopilot with all the beautiful pleasantries and notions of where my spirit (Mermaid Inner Being) nudges me, and I follow the inspired action. So here is what I received in spiritual prompting last night, and here is where my story unfolds. 

When Sawyer died, Jeffrey Shawn and I moved into my folks home, and that was nearly four years ago. Into the second year, when the pandemic (the black plague) was in full effect, I pleaded with my father to let me have a go-in with his old storage building and turn it into a little Victorian mermaid cottage. As I've spoken about before, I needed something to distract me and fling my sadness at, and utilising my energy in an old storage room did the trick. Well, I began tearing old cattle fences down and recycled them for flooring; I then used old pavers and made a hearth, painted, decorated and found loads of antiques on Facebook marketplace, antique shoppes, estate sales and charity shoppes. I had nestled in quite comfortably. Then, about three months ago, I felt as though I wanted to begin searching for our Victorian forever home, which I have quite the list of ticking off, which includes substantial land, an authentic Victorian home, also including a stone cottage, a tea room, a place for my farm animals, sheep, barns, etc. I mean, honestly, you could merely look at my page about The Carter Settlement and know what my significant dream is: a little village, The Carter Settlement. I will have it one day, and I think that day is closer and closer to my natural state. I'm a powerfully master mermaid manifestor whenever it has anything to do with manifesting. The particular element human folks get hung on is time and trust. However, I will profess that is merely because most landlocked folks haven't reprogrammed their minds with a whole new set of beliefs. If you'd like to work with me on changing your life, I have the map for creating a life you love, my darling. All you have to do is e-mail me at Raquel@RaquelCarter.com

Okay, where was I? 

Oh yes. 

The other day's accreditation, I saw intentions for the day, and without going into explicit detail (well, because my golly, it's long, my darlings), I was thinking about what to do as Jeffrey Shawn is now having to have extensive hip surgery. That has now put a wrench in our moving or continued forth in finding our forever home as he will need several months of healing and convalescing.

The cognitive energy will adequately require me to remain focused and stress-free. As I am always conscious of my mental well-being, I will not place unnecessary measures upon myself. Now, this led me to another thought. What am I going to do now for these months of my inability to move and yet be comfy and cosy in my little cottage? I petitioned spirit and set the intentions. What do I do in the meantime? Leave crates and boxes, merely shove them to one side, rent a storage facility and store them all, unpack and live life by taking one day at a time; what should I do? In addition, I am still waiting for the writer's strike to know about filming for the reality show Cottage to the Core. It was causing me a bit of grief, I must admit it. I thought I was proceeding, and I am being vulnerable and sharing my story because I wager others can relate to me; as Aaron Dougherty says in The Conscious Coaching Accelerator program, folks love vulnerability.

It has been a wee conundrum, I must say. Ask my dearest friend in all the world, Patti Anne, and she will tell you I was at a beggar's knot, not knowing what to do, but I knew if I kept trusting and knowing with faith, I'd always receive my answer to every question. Fast forward to last night, and I received my answer, and im sharing it with you now! Eeekkk! 

I was strolling Instagram, which I have not customarily been doing for quite some time as it had lost its savour for me; however, I stumbled upon an account where this gal is turning her old home into the equivalent of the Outlander set. Well, that thought was of no significance to me; I've never even seen one episode of the show Outlander. So I kept scrolling and was about to move on, and the thought hit me like a ton of bricks. What do I love and have built much of my life upon? Little House on the Prairie! Many years ago, I actually received plans I had drawn up of the schoolhouse for one day when I had the land for The Carter Settlement. The thought was whilst you are waiting on your manifestation for your land and Victorian home, tea room, etc., turn your little cottage into The Little House on the Prairie. That set me right, I must confess. It's nearly like that now, but a few changes of rocking the fireplace and building a loft, a little decorating, and it'll be complete.

Turn your cottage into The Little House on the Prairie! Well, after 1800 words, there you have it, my fruits! 

I began that day. I called around and found a storage unit to put all of our boxes and furniture in for a few months, and I have started drawing up plans on how to transform the cottage. There are several aspects that I can start straight away, as I don't feel it's quite the stretch as it sounds. I had already planned on implementing various items, such as an outhouse and fireplace, anyway, so this makes it quite the natural fit. Now, does that mean I know what will happen tomorrow or the next month and so forth? No. But that's the fun of it, is it not? There must be trust in the not-knowing and ride those waves of uncertainty like a mermaid goddess. As we've often been told, my darlings, it's not in the destination; it's all about the voyage (journey).

I love Little House so much I've decided to live in it (for now)! What do you think my Pa (hahaha, dad) will say when I tell him I want his help in the transformation? I may have to go about it alone, for my "Pa" is currently having some health issues. I shall prevail. If these darling women on Instagram can DIY, I most certainly can, too. 

I hope you follow me on my voyage on Patreon and watch how it turns out. If you enjoy personal development, spirituality, the Law of Assumption, old-timey lifestyle (Little House on the Praire, Beatrix Potter, Tasha Tudor), home renovations, dreamy fairytale living, books, artistry, and mermaids, of course, well then my Instagram account is for you. Mind you, my darlings, some of my content is on Patreon, where it is behind the paywall. It is five dollars to join, and you can cancel anytime if you feel you're not receiving your money's worth, but you do, my dear hearts.

Have a lovely Sunday. I am off to work on the guest bathroom in my folk's cottage. I am renovating it. I have been sharing my stories all about it on Instagram if you're interested. 

Also, if you are interested in commissioned bespoke illustrations for Christmas cards, I am taking a few orders this year. Here is my latest one. Her name is Annabelle, and she's a little fancy Victorian cat. E-mail me at (Raquel@RaquelCarter.com) with the subject line "bespoke painting" or message me on my Etsy shoppe. I am so happy to paint for you. Just think of how unique and personal your holiday cards will be this year, and goodness knows we need some "Take Joy" in these troubling waters as of late.   

Most affably yours til' my next swim, Razz   

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Carter's Cottage Loo Renovations, Ole' Homestead Updates And Books

Good morning, dear mermaid hearts,

I've made a cup of pumpkin spice with a dollop of cremé. It's delicious and will give me the wind-up energy this bygone mermaid requires to accomplish such landlocked duties. Human folk are quite extraordinary in that they enjoy dressing up their coves. It's, by all means, a new sensation for me. Although I am 251 years olde,' I remain in the adaptation mode of adjusting to my sea legs. Teehee…

I had been feeling slightly melancholy with congestion, dizziness, depressing thoughts and fatigue. I began making an effort in trying to pin down one thing or another, and I think I've discovered what it is: mould in the cottage. There will be more investigating, and I may be jumping to conclusions like a Jack in the Box; however, I'll keep you updated as I slowly uncover more details. My dad is having a looksie, and I will know more in a little while. Wouldn't it be hysterical If that is the way I manifest the cottage roof replaced to a 12/12 roof pitch? I know the Universe/God has a wicked sense of humour, and I wouldn't put past the Collective to make such a move. Remember when I spoke about how I was able to obtain my manifestation of the removal of the mauve carpet in Staffordshire Cottage? You can read the post here, as it's a lovely perspective on manifestation and having faith.

Do you recollect when I spoke about renovating my parent's little cottage guest bathroom?

Well, it is coming along quite well also, but I must admit it's taking me longer than I expected, but that is due to my fatigue, so perhaps now that there may be a reason for my tiredness, we shall get on and finish it up soon. 
This is a charming notion that I will be using as inspiration for the flooring in the bathroom renovation. 
Hold up, darlings. I must explain something before I get on. I want to clarify what's what and where's who because when I speak of this cottage, that bathroom, Scarlette Rose Cottage, Carter's Cottage, etc.. I do realise it may be a bit confusing. Not that you necessarily care one whit, but for some of you who may appreciate elucidating, I will commence. 

Who wouldn't be? Pisces are notorious for zany notions. First off, I name nearly every home a cottage. You know, how they do in England. Did you know Prince William and Princess Kate call their home a cottage, even though it's enormous? For the most part, It's the English way and because I love everything English, there you have it.


So here it goes. 

The Carter's Cottage (aka the Ole' Homestead Place) is my parent's home, which they bought from my father's mother. Everyone called her Memaw, and she lived here with my folks until her passing. My grandfather passed when my dad was 16. My grandmother had a lifetime estate here with my mum and dad. If you're like my best friend Patti Anne, you like to know what the person looks like when speaking of those I'm talking about. Therefore, here's a photo of my Memaw and my grandfather Carter. 

I've been working on the bath and hopefully entice you enough to sign up for Patreon to see the results. 

As many of you know that have been following me for years, I moved in with my parents whilst I proceeded with my divorce bill. Well, in my parent's home (which is called the Carter's Cottage, aka thee ole' homestead place), the bathroom had never seen the likes of a remodel, maybe a lick of paint on the walls, but that was about the extent of it. The house was built in 1958, I believe. I was tired of looking at the same ole' ceiling tile, upside-down trim moulding and outdated terrazzo floors. I remain stupefied that terrazzo floors have come back into style. However, because my folks have given me full reign to utilise my interior design degree, I sketched, dreamed and spent numerous amounts of time trying as much as possible to throw back the bathroom to the Victorian era. Now, mind you, because it is my folk's home, I had to adjust some aspects as my mum was uncompromising and said she must have some modern notions left untouched. I also will clarify that until Jeffrey Shawn and I move along, we have to leave the original cast iron tub in place. Although my dream is to one day put a claw foot tub in, that'll have to wait until another juncture convenes. In the meantime, I plan to use a white colour kit to give it a lick of paint. I hope you'll be curious enough to sign up for my Patreon to see the final reveal of the bathroom. It's coming along brilliantly. 

Oh my, let me tell you about books! Today, this isn't about my books. Well, the one thing I will tell you about my book is that in October, the release of The Tale of the Christmas Bunnies will be released, and I'm thrilled beyond measure.
However, let me get on about a sweet English woman that I was introduced to named Miranda Mills. She has a monthly newsletter, and she recommends books for each month. I've never come across someone who has the same reading likeness except for my dear Patti Anne. I love the recommendations.

I've not read any yet, as I've always dug my heels in for outstanding nonfiction except for children's books, such as Little House on the Prairie, Little Women, etc. Yet, this year is the time for changes in my alchemy, so upward and onward, it's time to expand my literature selections. 
Here is the list of books I ordered online. They have yet to arrive, so I thought I'd share Mirandas's list. She also has a lovely YouTube channel that I feel confident you'll adapt to in the Shake of a Lamb's Tail.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Razz

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

When Identity And Importance Tethers To Money, Self-Worth Is Insufficient & Why Folks Have A Bee In Their Bonnet About Ballerina Farm Winning Mrs. America(n)

Good morning, my dear mermaid hearts, 

[Now, before I plunge right in, I want you to pay notice that I share my subjective opinion on this matter, as it is my perspective, and I am entitled. Also, I've paid great attention upon my writing that my dander is not up, and you most certainly don't have to agree with me. I likewise directly comprehend that I attracted all of this into my life as it was brought on my behalf from my personal beliefs (at that time). We are all walking around on our sea legs and must learn how to walk upon our stems (legs) as we all have belief systems that prop up our assumptions. Therefore, in every article I compose, this is why I relentlessly bang on about why we all would do well to imprint new beliefs. Thus, we would no longer have such negative life experiences. Okay, now that I've taken care of that little bit of housekeeping, let me get on.]

I've spoken for many years on the topic of the ostracising that my son Sawyer and I underwent in the Mormon faith, and once again, I will call this into focus today. I must confess it was the most unkind experience from people supposedly Christian that I've ever witnessed in my life. In all honesty, I took an unavoidable amount of unkindness in the church, but when you stir about and on every whim decide to begin targeting my dear boy (or any of my children, for that matter), that's where I drew the line. Furthermore, I was the only one to advocate for my son, as his own father left him out to dry, which was despicable. A father (and supposed man of God) who has revealed his entire church membership today was unadulterated hypocrisy that bears no bounds. To drive a woman and child/children to feel unsafe and unprotected is most unappealing. I do not apologise for revealing the disposition of anyone's true character.

The crisis nowadays with society is that uncharacteristic individuals have been utilising their nasty behaviour and getting away with it because most folks look the other way. Bloody hell, someone takes a stand. In addition, I don't indicate running about to social media, making a meme and believing that will improve things. That's not taking a stand, nor is clacking on about it in interviews or foddering about relentlessly. This kind of change requires problem solvers, not talking heads, who desire ratings for their shows with millions of views. What nonsense. That makes people see we are all collectively in agreement, but now what? Let's actually DO SOMETHING. We have too many people talking the talk, but nobody wants to walk the walk. How long before it will take one person to have had enough to snap? And we wonder at the notion we have school shootings and sociopaths gunning down folks in our local restaurants. It doesn't take rocket science to know why this happens. It's not guns that's the problem; it's the folks who possess the guns of which where the issue lies. Nine times out of ten, go back and investigate the perpetrator's nature. I will guarantee you this individual was most likely suffering from psychological or mental health issues, such as emotional wounds in their environment. We must dig and excavate at these ailments from the rooted core. We as a society promenade with little rose-coloured glasses on in public, but behind closed doors, these egregious individuals are repeatedly awful people—duplicity where art thou.

Pardon the tangent. 

"Evil prevails when good men do nothing."

If you want to know why I share my background with you, it is most certainly not to disparage anyone for their religious beliefs. I powerfully advocate for folks worshipping and believing in their faiths. I love everyone equally for their views because I respect others. However, I also, in that same regard, must be granted my sentiments. I do not expect that in sharing my story for every woman to leave their Mormon or Pentecostal faith; however, my standing up and having a voice will most assuredly give others the compassion and understanding where no one else is advocating for them. My incidents aren't irregular; they are much more common than you know, yet no one speaks on it for fear of alienation. I'm simply the only woman bold enough to do so without fear of the backlash. Most women are petrified to speak out for fear they, too, would encounter what I underwent.

Now allow me to get on with the tethering conversation about identity and the feeling evoked of importance (significance) tied to the amount of money one possesses. Directly, you may wonder how money, prestige and Hannah Nelleman have anything in common. Darling, lend me a few minutes, and I'll explain. 

This subject did not come on the heels of the BF (Ballerina Farm) Hannah Nelleman and her winning Mrs. America(n). It came from a conversation I had with my folks this week, and then this morning, I read a snippet substack article as the writer had her knickers in a twist regarding Instagram mum influencers.

"A suspension of disbelief feels necessary when asked to consider that someone with seven young children could take care of those children, homeschool some of those children, help attend to a 328-acre ranch teeming with cattle, hogs, donkeys, horses, ducks, chickens, and cats; cook seemingly every meal from scratch; prevent her house from gobbling her whole; find time to dance; and do it all with a smile on her face. BF attracts so many eyeballs because Nelleman is the embodiment of a maternal ideal wholly impossible for most of us to attain." ~Sarah Petersen

Nonetheless, I recognise that when we take umbrage with someone, it's because, inevitably, we have an unresolved self-worth wound rising to the surface that needs mending. I think this may be the case with Sarah Petersen. I don't fault her by any means, as we all have wounds that get brushed. That is the beauty of life and what makes it go round'. However, as many bloggers are conversing about the matter, I would also give my two pence, as I have an entirely valid and different perspective. I like to make my point coming from a woman who left the Mormon church eight years ago, and you'll soon learn one of the reasons why. Bless Hannah Nelleman; I am sure she's a lovely lass. I had never heard of her, but a few years back, a relative asked, "Oh, do you know of the Instagram account Ballerina Farm? You should follow her." I thought to myself, no, thank you, because I don't swoon over famous folks, celebrity types and certainly not a random adorable ballerina Mormon lass. Mind you, I do not mean anything disparagingly about Hannah, again, as I am sure she is most assuredly lovely, and I don't have a dog in this fight; merely, she is front and centre and asleep like most folks in religion not yet awakened, which seems to be rather more common than not these days.

Organised religion and many religions in general will do that to a woman. I have such devotion and sympathy for women caught up in the controlling disposition of faith, honestly, because I know the truth on the other side of that life, and it's not pleasurable. The Mormon church heads of authority hand-appoint particular individuals, such as Ballerina Farm, and make them the epitome of what other Mormon women should strive to become. It's subtlest idol worship at its finest. They 'big up' these certain women and run them through the mill of idolatry. Do you think it's a coincidence BF is a Mormon woman, with all the "aspects" of what motherhood, homesteading, perfectionism, wealth, and praise should be with 6.3 million followers? She's pumped through the Mormonism culture system, and it's worked for decades upon decades, and it's still working. The church needs well-behaved women riddled with comparing themselves to their sisterhood. Instagram fame and low self-worth (for most women in the church and religions) go hand in hand. The church convinces members to remember to be devout, good little subservient wives (and tithe payers), all in the name of building the kingdom of God with obedience and an eternal promise of a place in the celestial kingdom. 

Did no one learn a thing from the Pentecostal worshipping Rachel Hollis's charade? I ask you.

'You might as well try to turn back Niagara as me from my purpose.' — Elizabeth Robins 

I love my friends in religion (both Pentecostal and Mormonism); however, I will never stand by and say nothing about society and how many women are living a veneer life; the absurdity is beyond measure. Evidently, we all need a refresher course in self-love and idol worship, and I'm leading the charge. I intend to prattle on about this type of hypocrisy until folks begin listening, and there's not a cat's chance in hell without claws I plan on stopping anytime soon. So buckle up my fruits. 

(And a little disclaimer that if any of this post stands bothersome, It is all in good fun. Perhaps my tonic for those offended would be to recite the Taylor Swift lyrics,
"It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.”)

Three years ago, I went to work on creating new subconscious beliefs about money and value. Just yesterday, I was having a chatter with my folks, and this topic came up again. I began explaining that I was (unknowingly at the time of my upbringing) placing constant importance on people who possessed money, such as what makes BF a tantalising life to emulate. She comes from money, and she married money, so having wealth surely charades the truth, as there's no possible way she's accomplishing all of those things listed earlier by herself. Sure, she makes it look easy peasy because that's what the Mormon culture creates. And if she is trying to do it all, I assure you she will eventually have some sort of a breakdown. It's not humanly possible to be and do everything to perfection, but hell, if the church won't make you effort til you drop dead or kill yourself first. Even if it's most challenging, it's never enough, and it will never be good enough. This exact reason is why the number one state statistically in the country for women taking depression medication and getting breast augmentation comes from the state of Utah among Mormon women. Do you think that's another coincidence? If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

There was always a significant emphasis from the Carter side of the family that, through my upbringing, if a person possessed wealth, they were deemed important. Mind you, when I met my ex, dated and married him, we were poor as church mice. My love language is gifts because that equals love to me. Do you know what your love language is? I do not speak on this to place blame on how my folks raised me, merely to teach others to take a vested interest in themselves to understand that money (nor fame) equates to significance. Even so much as following accounts like the BF and ideally believing she has it all. No one has it all, and I don't care one whit how much something appears to look that way. Let's not unquestioningly believe everything we see. One must learn to feather this foe; if not, the continued awful feelings of unworthiness and comparison will haunt relentlessly, and why many women end up leaving or having terrible anxiety from consuming Instagram.

Loads of people in the world will allow many o' misgiving if a person is wealthy. And it is true in our world; there are often folks who were maybe poor growing up and then get a little or a lot of money and will use it to try and fix external fortes to make things "appear" better than they are. The profound reason for my teachings is to bring an awareness that having money doesn't make a person happy. No, but it makes things loads easier in life. To have money is quite fun and very much a Take Joy moment in my life. Yes, you may say to me in response, "Everyone knows that money doesn't make a person happy, Razz." However, I will reiterate yes, that is true to an extent, but if one loves oneself purely, whether money is there or not, it is a beautiful experience to have wealth rather than not. Wealth and abundance are natural benefactors for raising one's vibration and positive self-concept. 

Folks will say that money doesn't buy happiness, but they won't necessarily go about truly living that, for their actions show differently. Most folks are out in the world trying to get and have money because they think when they get the money, they will feel better and so on and so forth. This mindset never works, but by gosh, people will die trying. People are trying to attain money to fill the vapid hole in their souls, and they think money will fix it, but soon learn it never does. 

My blog is to create and invoke self-awareness of the many contradictions of the nauseating masses. We must BE the change for the world to change. Capesh? Please understand me; I've never viewed money as a negative belief. You could tell me till the cows come home that money is the root of all evil and having money is wrong, etc. I would say to you, if you believe that, that's on you, not me. You're not going to project your money scarcity beliefs onto me. I believe money is a lovely energy, and it's so fun having money. If you hold a negative money belief, you must not have money, or the money you do have is straining through your fingers like a sieve. My desire was always to possess loads of money; nevertheless, I wanted to have it for notions such as founding my nonprofit, The Carter Settlement, bringing into the world little workshops to create change for humanity, etc. Many years ago, I came to terms with myself and healed from requiring the money to make me feel significant. This deficient matter is quite common if you've ever seen the world as those who have wealth and aren't happy. They spend their fortunes buying all the external measures in hopes it will fill the void they have within. Have a looksie at the many singers, comedians, or entertainers wreaking havoc because they achieved money yet soon learn all the money in the world does not make for authentic happiness. 

There was a conversation betwixt my folks where I was giving an example about a woman who had begun a relationship with a man. And because he was financially wealthy, the other aspects of this person were looked over. I began banging on about the justifications folks will give; 'If a person has money,' many people will overlook many o' things or pay to make things that might be deemed disapproving disappear; just throw a little quid at it. Well, I should reiterate if we are superficial and we think we're hiding our most genuine thoughts about folks with or without money, they have a way of revealing their most authentic beliefs. I shop now and plan to continue shopping at Walmart, and when I was broke, no one knew better whether I was wealthy or dirt poor. I wear my old-timey clothes to fine stores and less fine stores. If a person needs to exhibit prosperity, it is quite common they are an insecure individual and most likely don't have financial abundance. That's not always true; I'm just stating it is quite common. People who flaunt around as if they have money to burn (or those who have new money) will often overcompensate for their deficiencies. 

Wealthy folks are not always so self-evident, so people might want to keep that in mind when assumptions are at play. Just because most folks are trying to fool the world into believing they are of fortune, they are the ones who are usually giving away all the clues of being impoverished without even knowing it. Genuinely wealthy folks do not have to show they're rich; however, poor-minded folks do. That's just the truth. Abundance is a mindset, and money is merely energy, so remember wealth whispers and money talks; know the difference and act accordingly. 

Most affably yours til my next swim, Razz

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